AIChE Journal, Vol.59, No.3, 971-981, 2013
Global Optimization of Multicomponent Distillation Configurations: 1. Need for a Reliable Global Optimization Algorithm
Nonazeotropic multicomponent mixtures are often separated into products by distillation configurations containing multiple distillation columns. One method of calculating the minimum vapor duty of a configuration is to sequentially calculate the minimum vapor duty of each mixture as it is split into two streams within a given column starting from the feed column. The other method simultaneously manipulates all the splits to yield the overall minimum vapor duty of the entire configuration. Of these two methods, the sequential minimization is attractive as it can be analytically solved. However, through extensive computations, we find that the sequential minimization method is not a valid substitute for the simultaneous minimization method. As the number of components in the feed increases, the fraction of the basic configurations for which sequential method yields a reasonable estimate decreases rapidly, thereby emphasizing the need for a more robust and reliable global optimization algorithm. (C) 2012 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 59: 971-981, 2013