Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.2, No.2, 147-154, June, 1991
PAN계 활성탄소 섬유의 세공발달 특성(1)-안정화 및 탄화-
Characteristics of Pore Development for Activated Carbon Fiber from Poly Acrylo-nitrile (1) -Stabilization and Carbonization-
Poly acrylo-nitrile 系 섬유를 전구체로 하여 比等溫過程에 의한 安定化 및 炭化를 昇溫速度를 달리한 TGA(thermogravimetric analysis)方法으로 연구하였다. 安定化過程에서 cyclization과 脫水素 反應은 炭化過程中 細孔發達을 결정하는 주요한 要因이었으며, 細孔 및 炭化過程의 400℃ 이상에서 형성되기 시작하였다.
Thermogravimetric measurements have been carried out to investigate the stabilization and carbonization of copolymer of acrylonitrile(95 wt %) and methyl acrylate(5 wt %) at various heating rates. The cyclization and dehydrogenation during the stabilization were important factors to determine pore development in the carbonization process. The pore and the specific surface area during the carbonization began to develope at the temperature higher than 400 ℃.
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