Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.127, No.3, 1959-1966, 2013
Experimental characterization of a curing thermoset epoxy-anhydride systemu-Isothermal and nonisothermal cure kinetics
This work describes in detail the kinetic model for the cure of an epoxy-anhydride thermoset matrix resin system. The cure kinetics in both nonisothermal and isothermal modes has been characterized using differential scanning calorimetry. The SestakBerggren two-parameter autocatalytic model was used to describe the nonisothermal cure behavior of the resin satisfactorily. The isothermal cure data was fitted with Kamal's four-parameter autocatalytic model, coupled with a diffusion factor. These characterization data will form material property inputs for a multiscale modeling framework for the estimation of cure-induced residual stresses in thick thermoset matrix composites. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 127: 1959-1966, 2013