Thin Solid Films, Vol.520, No.17, 5801-5806, 2012
Ceramic thin film thermocouples for SiC-based ceramic matrix composites
Conductive ceramic thin film thermocouples were investigated for application to silicon carbide fiber reinforced silicon carbide ceramic matrix composite (SiC/SiC CMC) components. High temperature conductive oxides based on indium and zinc oxides were selected for testing to high temperatures in air. Sample oxide films were first sputtered-deposited on alumina substrates then on SiC/SiC CMC sample disks. Operational issues such as cold junction compensation to a 0 degrees C reference, resistivity and thermopower variations are discussed. Results show that zinc oxides have an extremely high resistance and thus increased complexity for use as a thermocouple, but thermocouples using indium oxides can achieve a strong, nearly linear response to high temperatures. Published by Elsevier B.V.
Keywords:Thermocouples;Thin films;Indium oxides;Zinc oxides;Ceramic matrix composites;High temperature environments