Thin Solid Films, Vol.518, No.23, 6945-6950, 2010
The orientation relationships and interfaces between delta-AuSn and Au
The orientation relationships and interfaces of delta-AuSn with the Au (001), (110) and (111) surfaces have been studied with transmission electron microscopy. Au was evaporated onto the NaCl (001), (011) and (111) surfaces to form epitaxial Au thin films and Sn was evaporated onto the Au films to form delta-AuSn. Two types of orientation relationships have been found: (1) (11 (2) over bar0)(delta)/(001)(Au), (0001)(delta)//(110)(Au), and (1 (1) over bar 00)(delta)//((1) over bar 10)(Au), which was found on the (11 (2) over bar0)(delta)/(001)(Au) interface and the (1 (1) over bar 00)(delta)/((1) over bar 10)(Au) interfaces; and (2) (11 (2) over bar0)(delta)// (0001)(delta)//(110)(Au), and (1 (1) over bar 00)(delta)//((1) over bar1 (2) over bar)(Au), which was found on the (11 (2) over bar0)(delta)/((1) over bar 11)(Au), interface. The interfaces are analyzed by the structures of the surfaces and the orientation relationships. The nucleation of delta-AuSn on these interfaces is also discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.