Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol.67, No.9, 1605-1613, 1998
Effects of processing conditions on the phase morphology of PC/ABS polymer blends
The phase morphology of PC/ABS blends can be significantly affected by its processing conditions. Blends prepared in a mixing chamber at different conditions show a strong influence of mixing time and temperature on its morphology. The blend morphology changes from a well-dispersed PC phase surrounded by the ABS matrix phase to a cocontinuous morphology with increase in the mixing time. Higher blending temperatures promote changes in the PC/ABS morphology, probably due to thermal degradation. The rotor speed has not shown much influence on the blend phase morphology. The cocontinuous phase morphology of the PC/ABS blends obtained after mixing for 10 min was shown to be unstable as detected by the heat treatment. A melt annealing for a few minutes showed a significant change in the morphology.