Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Vol.71, No.4, 523-535, 2002
A novel design in composities of various materials for solar selective coatings
This study describes the development of multilayer metal-dielectric graded index solar selective coatings in which the metallic volume fraction increases with depth, from top (air-film interface) to bottom (film-substrate interface). The work is based on computer simulation followed by validation through fabrication of the coatings and optical measurements. The influence of the choice of the number of layers present in a graded index composite selective absorber and results obtained for a new destructive interference bilayer (four-layer system) coating, designed using the computer model, were studied. The design and optimization of the composite coating was undertaken using a computer tool developed within this program of research employing Bruggeman and Maxwell-Garnett effective medium formalisms. The design tool enabled all key design parameters, with the exception of particle size and orientation, to be varied systematically to permit the sensitivity of the optical properties of the selective absorber coating to be studied. The model was validated with a supporting program of experimental research in which many different selective absorbers were prepared by co-sputtering of metal and dielectric materials. Although the best compositional gradation can be achieved by increasing the number of layers, the variation in optical performance beyond a certain number of layers is minimal. The destructive interference produced between adjacent layers contributes to the absorptance. The effect of the number of layers (single, four and 10) has been calculated for various materials such as nickel, vanadium, tungsten, cobalt and chromium based coatings. Solar absorptance of 0.98 and 0.96 was achieved by simulation and experimental findings with less than 0.07 thermal emittance at 300K for 200nm thick, 4-PGSAC (four-layer system) of V:Al2O3 composites. Other designs showed lower optical performance for all the material combinations regardless of their individual optical properties. Use of such thin film coating on the absorbers of solar thermal appliances can reduce thermal losses significantly, which could be of importance to the relevant industry. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.