Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.85, No.8-9, 1204-1207, 2006
The effect of modification of the titanium implant's passive layer on the corrosion resistance of implants
Tech.-grade Ti and Ti6A14V alloy (cf.. ISO 5832-3) wires were electrolytically polished and anodically passivated 10 min. at 20-60 V, 25-50 degrees C, in the presence of Si, Nb, Ta or Zr anions. The elements were incorporated into the passive layer. Tyrode's soln. tests showed both Ti and the alloy to have corrosion potentials shifted from -344 to -76 mV and from - 409 to -88 mV, resp. At higher temp. (WC) and higher passivation voltages, the effect was greater: polarization resi. stance rose to a few M Omega cm(2) I the linear corrosion rate and current d fell.