Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.82, No.8-9, 1124-1126, 2003
Possibilities of changing the color of paper
Bleached sulfate pine wood pulp and a thermomechanical pulp were beaten to 30degreesSR and dyed or whitened for 10 min at 20degreesC, pH 7.5, by using dye 0.5%., optical bleaching agent 0.2-10%, and shading colorant 0.01-0.02%., pulp wt. basis. Direct anionic dyes, fluorescent whitening agent (FWA), and shading colorant were used. Color was examined in lab-made paper sheets, 70 g/m(2), with a GretagMacbeth' SpectroEye instrument The CIE whiteness was evaluated in compliance with PN-ISO 11475/2002. Yellowish color was most economical and environmentally reasonable. FWA should not be added to high-lignin pulps.