Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.82, No.5, 347-349, 2003
Detonation parameters of water-in-oil emulsion explosives sensibilized by chemical gassing
In Polish (Blastexpol, Duninow) modern mining explosives, Emulgit 42G, 82GP, LWC (low water composition), LWC AN 20, and LWC ALAN1, containing (NH4, Na)NO3 83.4-89.3, oil phase + modifier 5.5-9.4, H2O 3.7-8.5, and powdered At dust 2% (82GP) or 4% (ALAN1), detonation capacity and velocity were studied in relation to charge diameter (40-65 mm) and charge density (1.11-1.29 g/ cm(3)). Detonation capacity was examined as sensitivity to (I) a mining millisecond electric detonator, (it) a nonelectric detonator, and (III) a 0.5-g Igniferous detonator. Detonation velocity was measured with short-circuit sensors. The Initiators (1) and (it) detonated each Emulgit, but (III) detonated only the 42G. Sensitivity to the Initiators was related to charge density, much less to charge diameter. The LWC AN20 showed a high detonation capacity believed to be due to the NH4NO3 granules acting as hot spots. When the charge diameter was Increased, the detonation velocity of 42G and LWC remained unaffected, provided the charge density was raised at the same time.