Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of The ASME, Vol.124, No.3, 256-261, 2002
Wind heat loss from corrugated, transpired solar collectors
Heat transfer from a perforated, sinusoidal plate with suction to air flowing over the plate, perpendicular to the corrugations, has been studied numerically and experimentally. This study used a numerical model, validated by wind tunnel tests and hot wire anemometer/resistance thermometer measurements, to determine the heat loss to the air stream over the plate as a function of wind speed, suction velocity, and plate geometry. Both attached and separated flow regimes were observed, and the criterion for flow attachment was determined to be Re(V0,p)greater than or equal to6.93 Re-Uinfinity,A(0.5). Correlations were developedfor heat transfer to the air stream for each flow regime. For attached flow, the heat transfer can be represented as Nu(att) = NUflat{1+0.8](A/P)(0.5)}. For separated flow, the following correlation applies: Nu(sep) = 2.05(A/P)Re-1.40(1.63).