Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, Vol.44, No.5, 44-50, 2005
Pore-scale visualization of foamed gel propagation and trapping in a pore network micromodel
This paper describes air experimental study carried out using a etched glass micromodel to investigate the complex transparent etc foamed gels flow of foamed,gel in porous media at pore level. Foamed, can be used 4 mobility control or blocking agents to minimize excessive gas,orwhtef production in oil reservoirs. Al oughth, us, e of foamed gels a's an enhanced oil recovery process-has been studied for some,time, the mechanisms of foamed gel flow and trapping in porous" media, are not so clear,, In this work the influence of foamed gel microstructure on its propagation in porous me la and the effect of the coufiguration of gas bubbles and liquid phase (gel) inside the micromodel on blockage effectiveness were evaluated through visual observation in acteristics transparent etched glass micromodel. The experimental observations nitrate that foamed gel presents better characteristics for fluid profile in modification and therefore superior fluid diversion cabability than conventional, aqueous,foams. Micromodal etched glass micromodel indicated efficient mobilization. Image and statistical analysis showed that foam bubbles are reshaped during propagation through. :1 - - I - - p porous media. The final configuration-of trapped foamed gel bubble,,and liquid phase (gel) inside the, pore space indicated an important role in the effectiveness of fluid flow restriction.