International Journal of Coal Geology, Vol.83, No.2-3, 146-153, 2010
X-ray photoelectron emission spectromicroscopic analysis of arborescent lycopsid cell wall composition and Carboniferous coal ball preservation
Two alternative processes complicate understanding of the biochemical origins and geochemical alteration of organic matter over geologic time: selective preservation of original biopolymers and in situ generation of new geopolymers. One of the best constrained potential sources of bio- and geochemical information about extinct fossil plants is frequently overlooked. Permineralized anatomically preserved plant fossils allow analysis of individual cell and tissue types that have an original biochemical composition already known from living plants. The original composition of more enigmatic fossils can be constrained by geochemical comparisons to tissues of better understood fossils from the same locality. This strategy is possible using synchrotron-based techniques for submicron-scale imaging with X-rays over a range of frequencies in order to provide information concerning the relative abundance of different organic bonds with X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy. In this study, X-ray PhotoElectron Emission spectroMicroscopy (X-PEEM) was used to analyze the tissues of Lepidodendron, one of the lycopsid trees that were canopy dominants of many Pennsylvanian coal swamp forests. Its periderm or bark the single greatest biomass contributor to many Late Paleozoic coals-is found to have a greater aliphatic content and an overall greater density of organic matter than lignified wood. Because X-PEEM allows simultaneous analysis of organic matter and matrix calcite in fully mineralized fossils, this technique also has great potential for analysis of fossil preservation, including documentation of significant traces of organic matter entrained in the calcite crystal fabric that fills the cell lumens. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.