754 - 767 |
Randomized algorithms for synthesis of switching rules for multimodal systems Ishii H, Basar T, Tempo R |
768 - 780 |
Feedback control of quantum state reduction van Handel R, Stockton JK, Mabuchi H |
781 - 797 |
Absolute stability analysis of discrete-time systems with composite quadratic Lyapunov functions Hu TS, Lin ZL |
798 - 810 |
Approximate inversion of the Preisach hysteresis operator with application to control of smart actuators Iyer RV, Tan XB, Krishnaprasad PS |
811 - 826 |
Solution of the general moment problem via a one-parameter imbedding Georgiou TT |
827 - 839 |
Adaptive identification and control of hysteresis in smart materials Tan XB, Baras JS |
840 - 841 |
A controllability counterexample Elliott DL |
841 - 846 |
A time-varying complex dynamical network model and its controlled synchronization criteria Lu JH, Chen GR |
847 - 851 |
Output feedback stabilization for a class of stochastic time-delay nonlinear systems Fu YS, Tian ZH, Shi SJ |
851 - 855 |
On the approximation of fault directions for mutual detectabilty: An invariant zero approach Kim Y, Park J |
855 - 858 |
Amplitude and frequency estimator of a sinusoid Hou M |
859 - 864 |
Global time-varying stabilization of underactuated surface vessel Dong WJ, Guo Y |
865 - 869 |
An average operator-based PD-type iterative learning control for variable initial state error Park KH |
869 - 874 |
On LaSalle's invariance principle and its application to robust synchronization of general vector Lienard equations Chen GR, Zhou J, Celikovsky S |
874 - 879 |
Implicit Lyapunov functions and isochrones of linear systems Adamy J |
880 - 884 |
Optimal control of processing times in single-stage discrete event dynamic systems with blocking Moon J, Wardi Y |
885 - 890 |
Global finite-time stabilization by output feedback for planar systems without observable linearization Qian CJ, Li J |
890 - 894 |
Solving a dynamic resource allocation problem through continuous optimization Lu YD |
894 - 899 |
Robust backstepping control for a class of time delayed systems Hua CC, Guan XP, Shi P |
899 - 904 |
Ellipsoidal sets for resilient and robust static output-feedback Peaucelle D, Arzelier D |
905 - 909 |
Certainty-equivalence output-feedback design with circle-criterion observers Arcak M |
910 - 915 |
Stabilization of nonlinear systems with limited information feedback Liberzon D, Hespanha JP |
915 - 920 |
Adaptive control of a class of slowly time varying systems with modeling uncertainties Fidan B, Zhang YP, Ioannou PA |
920 - 925 |
Characterizing intransitive noninterference for 3-domain security policies with observability Ben Hadj-Alouane N, Lafrance S, Lin F, Mullins J, Yeddes M |
925 - 926 |
Rejoinder to author's reply Hodoshima J |
927 - 928 |
Comments on "A remark on partial-state feedback stabilization of cascade systems using small gain theorem" Jiang ZP |
928 - 929 |
Comments on "A remark on partial-state feedback stabilization of cascade systems using small gain theorem" - Authors' reply Lin W, Gong Q |