
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol.46, No.1 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0018-9286 (Print) 

In this Issue (24 articles)

3 - 16 A unifying framework for the semiglobal stabilization of nonlinear uncertain systems via measurement feedback
Battilotti S
17 - 28 Nonlinear system stabilization via hierarchical switching control
Leonessa A, Haddad WM, Chellaboina V
29 - 42 Spectral estimation via selective harmonic amplification
Georgiou TT
43 - 50 Weighted estimation and tracking for branching processes with immigration
Bercu B
51 - 64 Asymptotically stable walking for biped robots: Analysis via systems with impulse effects
Grizzle JW, Abba G, Plestan F
65 - 77 Dynamics of relay relaxation oscillators
Varigonda S, Georgiou TT
78 - 95 Adaptive state feedback and tracking control of systems with actuator failures
Tao G, Joshi SM, Ma XL
96 - 100 A probabilistic analysis of bias optimality in unichain Markov decision processes
Lewis ME, Puterman ML
100 - 107 H-2 and N-infinity robust filtering for convex bounded uncertain systems
Geromel JC, de Oliveira MC
107 - 111 Robust stability of quasi-periodic hybrid dynamic uncertain systems
Li ZG, Soh YC, Wen CY
112 - 115 Adaptive nonlinear output-feedback control with unknown high-frequency gain sign
115 - 119 Sliding-mode output feedback controller design using linear matrix inequalities
Edwards C, Akoachere A, Spurgeon SK
119 - 125 Local stabilization of discrete-time linear systems with saturating controls: An LMI-based approach
da Silva JMG, Tarbouriech S
125 - 130 Simultaneous stabilization of two discrete-time plants using a 2-periodic controller
Das SK
131 - 136 Suboptimal design of regulators for jump linear system with time-multiplied quadratic cost
Boukas EK, Liu ZK
137 - 142 Performance bounds for queues via generating functions
Hordijk A, Shwartz A
142 - 148 Finite-dimensional filters with nonlinear drift X: Explicit solution of DMZ equation
Yau SST, Hu GQ
148 - 151 Structure properties of min-max systems and existence of global cycle time
Zhao QC, Zheng DZ, Zhu XP
152 - 155 Adaptive control for a class of nonlinear systems with a time-varying structure
Ordonez R, Passino KM
156 - 160 On the output regulation for linear systems in the presence of input saturation
De Santis R, Isidori A
160 - 165 Structural conditions for disturbance decoupling with stability using proportional and derivative control laws
Estrada MB, Malabre M
165 - 171 Generalized controlled invariance for discrete-time nonlinear systems with an application to the dynamic disturbance decoupling problem
Aranda-Bricaire E, Kotta U
171 - 172 Remarks on "Robustness analysis of nonlinear feedback systems: An input-output approach"
Georgiou TT, Smith MC
172 - 172 Passivity-based control of a class of blondel-park transformable electric machines (vol 42, pg 629, 1997)
Gokdere LU, Brice W, Nicklasson PJ, Ortega R, Espinosa-Perez G