1 - 1 |
Leon J. Schipper, 1947-2011 Smith KR |
2 - 13 |
Measuring global gasoline and diesel price and income elasticities Dahl CA |
14 - 28 |
Rebound 2007: Analysis of U.S. light-duty vehicle travel statistics Greene DL |
29 - 35 |
Modifying the rebound: It depends! Explaining mobility behavior on the basis of the German socio-economic panel Matiaske W, Menges R, Spiess M |
36 - 46 |
The role of efficiency improvements vs. price effects for modeling passenger car transport demand and energy demand-Lessons from European countries Ajanovic A, Haas R |
47 - 58 |
Interdependencies between transport fuel demand, efficiency and quality: An application to Austria Goerlich R, Wirl F |
59 - 65 |
Is the price effect on fuel consumption symmetric? Some evidence from an empirical study Sentenac-Chemin E |
66 - 74 |
Scenarios for regional passenger car fleets and their CO2 emissions Meyer I, Kaniovski S, Scheffran J |
75 - 83 |
Distributional effects of taxing transport fuel Sterner T |
84 - 97 |
Decoupling of road freight energy use from economic growth in the United Kingdom Sorrell S, Lehtonen M, Stapleton L, Pujol J, Champion T |
98 - 106 |
The prospect for modal shifts in passenger transport worldwide and impacts on energy use and CO2 Cuenot F, Fulton L, Staub J |
107 - 124 |
The UK transport carbon model: An integrated life cycle approach to explore low carbon futures Brand C, Tran M, Anable J |
125 - 138 |
Modelling transport energy demand: A socio-technical approach Anable J, Brand C, Tran M, Eyre N |
139 - 151 |
The dynamic efficiency of feed-in tariffs: The impact of different design elements del Rio P |
152 - 160 |
Does the use of nuclear power lead to lower electricity prices? An analysis of the debate in Germany with an international perspective Nestle U |
161 - 172 |
The impact of ownership on price-setting in retail-energy markets-The German case Nikogosian V, Veith T |
173 - 183 |
A multi-period superstructure optimisation model for the optimal planning of China's power sector considering carbon dioxide mitigation Discussion on China's carbon mitigation policy based on the model Zhang DJ, Ma LW, Liu P, Zhang LL, Li Z |
184 - 192 |
CSP electricity cost evolution and grid parities based on the IEA roadmaps Hernandez-Moro J, Martinez-Duart JM |
193 - 199 |
The impact of ethanol production on food prices: The role of interplay between the U.S. and Brazil Monteiro N, Altman I, Lahiri S |
200 - 211 |
Europe's climate goals and the electricity sector Eskeland GS, Rive NA, Mideksa TK |
212 - 220 |
Regulatory design for RES-E support mechanisms: Learning curves, market structure, and burden-sharing Batlle C, Perez-Arriaga IJ, Zambrano-Barragan P |
221 - 231 |
Fleet operator risks for using fleets for V2G regulation Hill DM, Agarwal AS, Ayello F |
232 - 240 |
The uniqueness of the energy security, justice, and governance problem Goldthau A, Sovacool BK |
241 - 249 |
The diffusion of solar energy use in HK: What are the barriers? Zhang XL, Shen LY, Chan SY |
250 - 258 |
Living with a carbon allowance: The experiences of Carbon Rationing Action Groups and implications for policy Howell RA |
259 - 268 |
Is "smart charging" policy for electric vehicles worthwhile? Lyon TP, Michelin M, Jongejan A, Leahy T |
269 - 279 |
Estimating spillover benefits of large R&D projects: Application of real options modelling approach to the case of thermonuclear fusion R&D programme Bednyagin D, Gnansounou E |
280 - 285 |
A modified Cournot model of the natural gas market in the European Union: Mixed-motives delegation in a politicized environment Jansen T, van Lier A, van Witteloostuijn A, von Ochssee TB |
286 - 302 |
Least-cost network evaluation of centralized and decentralized contributions to global electrification Levin T, Thomas VM |
303 - 315 |
Municipal scale scenario: Analysis of an Italian seaside town with MarkAL-TIMES Comodi G, Cioccolanti L, Gargiulo M |
316 - 332 |
Environmental implications of electricity generation in an integrated long-term planning framework Turner GM, West J |
333 - 339 |
Economic feasibility of hydrogen enrichment for reducing NOx emissions from landfill gas power generation alternatives: A comparison of the levelized cost of electricity with present strategies Kornbluth K, Greenwood J, Jordan E, McCaffrey Z, Erickson PA |
340 - 347 |
Nonrenewable energy cost of corn-ethanol in China Yang Q, Chen GQ |
348 - 364 |
Status of advanced light-duty transportation technologies in the US Andress D, Das S, Joseck F, Nguyen TD |
365 - 373 |
Efficiency of crude oil markets: Evidences from informational entropy analysis Ortiz-Cruz A, Rodriguez E, Ibarra-Valdez C, Alvarez-Ramirez J |
374 - 392 |
A Monte Carlo based decision-support tool for assessing generation portfolios in future carbon constrained electricity industries Vithayasrichareon P, MacGill IF |
393 - 401 |
Study of the potential of low carbon energy development and its contribution to realize the reduction target of carbon intensity in China Li HQ, Wang LM, Shen L, Chen FN |
402 - 411 |
Design incentives to increase vehicle size created from the U.S. footprint-based fuel economy standards Whitefoot KS, Skerlos SJ |
412 - 421 |
The influence of a Renewable Energy Feed in Tariff on the decision to produce biomass crops in Ireland Clancy D, Breen JP, Thorne F, Wallace M |
422 - 432 |
DEA radial measurement for environmental assessment and planning: Desirable procedures to evaluate fossil fuel power plants Sueyoshi T, Goto M |
433 - 444 |
Critical mid-term uncertainties in long-term decarbonisation pathways Usher W, Strachan N |
445 - 450 |
Analysis of rural residential energy consumption and corresponding carbon emissions in China Yao CS, Chen CY, Li M |
451 - 465 |
Assessing the impact of framing on the comparative favourability of nuclear power as an electricity generating option in the UK Jones CR, Eiser JR, Gamble TR |
466 - 473 |
A review of the role and remit of the committee on climate change McGregor PG, Swales JK, Winning MA |
474 - 483 |
Estimates of China's national and regional transport sector CO2 emissions in 2007 Cai BF, Yang WS, Cao D, Liu LC, Zhou Y, Zhang ZS |
484 - 493 |
Price projections of feedstocks for biofuels and biopower in the U.S. Langholtz M, Graham R, Eaton L, Perlack R, Hellwinkel C, Ugarte DGD |
494 - 506 |
Energy R&D in private and state-owned utilities: An analysis of the major world electric companies Sterlacchini A |
507 - 518 |
Realising the potential of gasified biomass in the European Union-Policy challenges in moving from demonstration plants to a larger scale diffusion Hellsmark H, Jacobsson S |
519 - 528 |
Energy and climate policy in China's twelfth five-year plan: A paradigm shift Li J, Wang X |
529 - 536 |
The role of energy in creating opportunities for income generation in the Indian Himalayas Kooijman-van Dijk AL |
537 - 547 |
Life cycle analysis of energy supply infrastructure for conventional and electric vehicles Lucas A, Silva CA, Neto RC |
548 - 560 |
Assessing noise from wind farm developments in Ireland: A consideration of critical wind speeds and turbine choice King EA, Pilla F, Mahon J |
561 - 574 |
A global renewable mix with proven technologies and common materials Garcia-Olivares A, Ballabrera-Poy J, Garcia-Ladona E, Turiel A |
575 - 583 |
The effect of cassava-based bioethanol production on above-ground carbon stocks: A case study from Southern Mali Rasmussen LV, Rasmussen K, Birch-Thomsen T, Kristensen SBP, Traore O |
584 - 598 |
A roadmap towards a low-carbon society in Japan using backcasting methodology: Feasible pathways for achieving an 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050 Ashina S, Fujino J, Masui T, Ehara T, Hibino G |
599 - 609 |
Merging mobility and energy vision with hybrid electric vehicles and vehicle infrastructure integration He YM, Chowdhury M, Ma YC, Pisu P |
610 - 617 |
The implication for climate change and peak fossil fuel of the continuation of the current trend in wind and solar energy production Leggett LMW, Ball DA |
618 - 623 |
Sustainable gasification-biochar systems? A case-study of rice-husk gasification in Cambodia, Part II: Field trial results, carbon abatement, economic assessment and conclusions Shackley S, Carter S, Knowles T, Middelink E, Haefele S, Haszeldine S |
624 - 635 |
A review of building energy efficiency in China during "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period Kong XF, Lu SL, Wu Y |
636 - 643 |
Reducing automotive emissions-The potentials of combustion engine technologies and the power of policy Berggren C, Magnusson T |
644 - 653 |
Residential energy consumption in urban China: A decomposition analysis Zhao XL, Li N, Ma CB |
654 - 665 |
Domestic energy use and householders' energy behaviour Yohanis YG |
666 - 675 |
Energy consumption and economic growth in China: A reconciliation Yalta AT, Cakar H |
676 - 685 |
Russian electricity market reform: Deregulation or re-regulation? Gore O, Viljainen S, Makkonen M, Kuleshov D |
686 - 691 |
Trade liberalization and tax reform strategies: The case of the Korean oil industry Shim K, Jung Y |
692 - 702 |
Offshore wind power in Sweden-A qualitative analysis of attitudes with particular focus on opponents Waldo A |
703 - 711 |
Energy intensity and its determinants in China's regional economies Wu YR |
712 - 722 |
Consumer preferences and willingness to pay for compact fluorescent lighting: Policy implications for energy efficiency promotion in Saint Lucia Reynolds T, Kolodinsky J, Murray B |
723 - 732 |
Heavy duty gas turbines in Iran, India and China: Do national energy policies drive the industries? Majidpour M |
733 - 741 |
Governance, technology, and equity: An integrated policy framework for energy efficient housing Golubchikov O, Deda P |
742 - 747 |
A rethink of how policy and social science approach changing individuals' actions on greenhouse gas emissions Young W, Middlemiss L |
748 - 758 |
Merchant interconnector projects by generators in the EU: Profitability and allocation of capacity van Koten S |
759 - 774 |
Tax policy can change the production path: A model of optimal oil extraction in Alaska Leighty W, Lin CYC |
775 - 781 |
Critical review of jatropha biodiesel promotion policies in India Kumar S, Chaube A, Jain SK |
782 - 789 |
Determining appropriate wind turbine setback distances: Perspectives from municipal planners in the Canadian provinces of Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec Watson I, Betts S, Rapaport E |
790 - 797 |
Preparing for smart grid technologies: A behavioral decision research approach to understanding consumer expectations about smart meters Krishnamurti T, Schwartz D, Davis A, Fischhoff B, de Bruin WB, Lave L, Wang J |
798 - 806 |
Generating electricity with forest biomass: Consistency and payment timeframe effects in choice experiments Solino M, Farizo BA, Vazquez MX, Prada A |
807 - 814 |
Smart meter data: Balancing consumer privacy concerns with legitimate applications McKenna E, Richardson I, Thomson M |
815 - 821 |
The cost of offshore wind: Understanding the past and projecting the future Heptonstall P, Gross R, Greenacre P, Cockerill T |
822 - 826 |
Evidence of long memory behavior in U.S. renewable energy consumption Barros CP, Gil-Alana LA, Payne JE |
827 - 842 |
European climate-energy security nexus: A model based scenario analysis Criqui P, Mima S |
843 - 848 |
Marine energy consumption, national economic activity, and greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping Chang CC |
849 - 859 |
Large-scale wind power integration and wholesale electricity trading benefits: Estimation via an ex post approach Gil HA, Gomez-Quiles C, Riquelme J |
860 - 870 |
The end of cheap oil: Bottom-up economic and geologic modeling of aggregate oil production curves Jakobsson K, Bentley R, Soderbergh B, Aleklett K |
871 - 877 |
Optimal investment and uncertainty on China's carbon emission abatement Wang MX, Wang MR, Wang SY |
878 - 884 |
China's growing methanol economy and its implications for energy and the environment Yang CJ, Jackson RB |
885 - 892 |
Power quality and energy efficiency assessment and the need for labelling and minimum performance standard of uninterruptible power systems (UPS) in Brazil Sauer IL, Tatizawa H, Salotti FAM |