1 - 19 |
Analyzing and Forecasting Zonal Imbalance Signs in the Italian Electricity Market Lisi F, Edoli E |
21 - 53 |
Real Option Valuation in a Gollier/Weitzman World: The Effect of Long-Run Discount Rate Uncertainty Tandja MDC, Power GJ, Bastien J |
55 - 84 |
A New Game Theoretical Approach for Modeling Export Energy Markets Equilibria Abada I, Ehrenmann A |
85 - 130 |
Oil Prices and Stock Markets: A Review of the Theory and Empirical Evidence Degiannakis S, Filis G, Arora V |
131 - 155 |
Optimal Procurement of Distributed Energy Resources Brown DP, Sappington DEM |
157 - 182 |
Technology Choices in the US Electricity Industry before and after Market Restructuring Csereklyei Z, Stern DI |
183 - 203 |
Reliability in Multi-regional Power Systems: Capacity Adequacy and the Role of Interconnectors Hagspiel S, Knaut A, Peter J |
205 - 229 |
Natural Gas Combined Cycle Utilization: An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Environmental Policies and Prices Stevens KA |
231 - 255 |
Impact of High-Powered Incentive Regulations on Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Norwegian Electricity Utilities Senyonga L, Bergland O |
257 - 258 |
Burn Out, the End Game for Fossil Fuels Radetzki M |
258 - 260 |
Research Handbook on Emissions Trading Zaklan A |