481 - 494 |
Improving building design and operation of a Thai Buddhist temple Sreshthaputra A, Haberl J, Andrews MJ |
495 - 501 |
Five-year data of measured weather, energy consumption, and time-dependent temperature variations within different exterior wall structures Lindberg R, Binamu A, Teikari A |
503 - 513 |
Low-cost networking for dynamic window systems Lee ES, DiBartolomeo DL, Rubinstein FM, Selkowitz SE |
515 - 523 |
Thermographic survey of two rural buildings in Spain Ocana SM, Guerrero IC, Requena IG |
525 - 534 |
Daytime urban heat island effect in high-rise and high-density residential developments in Hong Kong Giridharan R, Ganesan S, Lau SSY |
535 - 542 |
Combining CFD and data-based mechanistic (DBM) modelling approaches Desta TZ, Van Brecht A, Meyers J, Baelmans M, Berckmans D |
543 - 555 |
Predicted versus observed heat consumption of a low energy multifamily complex in Switzerland based on long-term experimental data Branco G, Lachal B, Gallinelli P, Weber W |
557 - 565 |
Validation of a glazed space simulation model using full-scale experimental data Roux JJ, Teodosiu C, Covalet D, Chareille R |
567 - 578 |
Development of a thermally activated ceiling panel with PCM for application in lightweight and retrofitted buildings Koschenz M, Lehmann B |
579 - 586 |
Unsteady thermal performance analysis of a room with serial and parallel duct radiant floor heating system using hot airflow Bozkir O, Canbazoglu S |
587 - 598 |
Evaluating performance indices of a shopping centre and implementing HVAC control principles to minimize energy usage Canbay CS, Hepbasli A, Gokcen G |
599 - 610 |
Valve fault detection and diagnosis based on CMAC neural networks Wang SW, Jiang ZM |