1 - 14 |
Desalination plants in Australia, review and facts El Saliby I, Okour Y, Shon HK, Kandasamy J, Kim IS |
15 - 24 |
Hybrid filtration method for pre-treatment of seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) Lee JJ, Johir MAH, Chinu KH, Shon HK, Vigneswaran S, Kandasamy J, Kim CW, Shaw K |
25 - 32 |
Application of hybrid systems techniques for cleaning and replacement of a RO membrane Lee YG, Gambier A, Badreddin E, Lee S, Yang DR, Kim JH |
33 - 44 |
Prediction of boron transport through seawater reverse osmosis membranes using solution-diffusion model Hung PVX, Cho SH, Moon SH |
45 - 52 |
Effect of coagulation on MF/UF for removal of particles as a pretreatment in seawater desalination Yang HJ, Kim HS |
53 - 63 |
Recovery of sludge produced from Ti-salt flocculation as pretreatment to seawater reverse osmosis Okour Y, El Saliby I, Shon HK, Vigneswaran S, Kim JH, Cho J, Kim IS |
64 - 76 |
Effect of membrane surface characteristics on hydraulic flux balance and feed stream translation in concentrate multi-stage system Alayemieka E, Lee S, Kim D |
77 - 84 |
Biofilter as pretreatment to membrane based desalination: Evaluation in terms of fouling index Chinu KJ, Johir AH, Vigneswaran S, Shon HK, Kandasamy J |
85 - 93 |
In-line flocculation-filtration as pre-treatment to reverse osmosis desalination Johir AH, Khorshed C, Vigneswaran S, Shon HK |
94 - 107 |
Evaluation and characterization of seawater RO membrane fouling Mitra SS, Thomas AR, Gang GT |
108 - 124 |
Fouling mechanisms of an end-free submerged membrane (Yonsei End Free;YEF) module under different filtration modes Choi Y, Kim C, Kwon O, Noh S |
125 - 136 |
Selection of the most problematic biofoulant in fouled RO membrane and the seawater intake to develop biosensors for membrane biofouling Lee J, Jung JY, Kim S, Chang IS, Mitra SS, Kim IS |
137 - 147 |
Evaluation of various pretreatment for particle and inorganic fouling control on performance of SWRO Choi YH, Kweon JH, Kim DI, Lee S |
148 - 161 |
Effect of solution chemistry on the surface property of reverse osmosis membranes under seawater conditions Yang J, Lee S, Lee E, Lee J, Hong S |
162 - 168 |
Enhanced or reduced concentration polarization by membrane fouling in seawater reverse osmosis (SWRO) processes Kim S, Lee S, Lee E, Sarper S, Kim CH, Cho J |
169 - 179 |
A new membrane performance index using flow-field flow fractionation (fl-FFF) Kim S, Lee S, Kim CH, Cho J |
180 - 189 |
Artificial neural network model for optimizing operation of a seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant Lee YG, Lee YS, Jeon JJ, Lee S, Yang DR, Kim IS, Kim JH |
190 - 199 |
A control methodology for the feed water temperature to optimize SWRO desalination process using genetic programming Kim SJ, Oh S, Lee YG, Jeon MG, Kim IS, Kim JH |
200 - 209 |
Online estimation of fouling development for SWRO system using real data Kim DY, Lee MH, Lee S, Kim JH, Yang DR |
210 - 221 |
Development of a statistical and mathematical hybrid model to predict membrane fouling and performance Hwang TM, Oh H, Choi YJ, Nam SH, Lee S, Choung YK |
222 - 232 |
Small-scale desalination plants in Korea: Technical challenges Choi JS, Lee S, Kim JM, Choi S |
233 - 238 |
Energy management in submerged microfiltration systems by optimum control of aeration Choi BB, Choi YJ, Choi JS, Lee S, Oh HJ |
239 - 246 |
Toward a combined system of forward osmosis and reverse osmosis for seawater desalination Choi YJ, Choi JS, Oh HJ, Lee S, Yang DR, Kim JH |
247 - 259 |
Assessment of various membrane fouling indexes under seawater conditions Hong K, Lee S, Choi S, Yu Y, Hong S, Moon H, Sohn J, Yang J |
260 - 270 |
Energy saving methodology for the SWRO desalination process: control of operating temperature and pressure Kim SJ, Lee YG, Oh S, Lee YS, Kim YM, Jeon MG, Lee S, Kim IS, Kim JH |
271 - 284 |
Evaluation of a low-pressure membrane filtration for drinking water treatment: pretreatment by coagulation/sedimentation for the MF membrane Moon J, Kang MS, Lim JL, Kim CH, Park HD |
285 - 294 |
Prediction of membrane fouling in the pilot-scale microfiltration system using genetic programming Hwang TM, Oh H, Choung YK, Oh S, Jeon M, Kim JH, Nam SH, Lee S |
295 - 302 |
Multiple hybridizations using quantum dot-DNA probes for rapid analysis of microbial community on reverse osmosis membrane Lee J, Kim S, Yu HW, Kim IS |
303 - 315 |
Biofouling of reverse osmosis membranes: Microbial quorum sensing and fouling propensity Kim S, Lee S, Hong S, Oh Y, Seoul M, Kweon J, Kim T |
316 - 325 |
Evaluation of quantitative performance of the membrane filtration-differential mobility analyzer (MF-DMA) counting technique to determine suspended particles and dissolved solids in water Park JY, Cho J, Park K |
326 - 335 |
Development of a package model for process simulation and cost estimation of seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant Kim YM, Lee YS, Lee YG, Kim SJ, Yang DR, Kim IS, Kim JH |
337 - 345 |
Montmorillonite-Cu(II)/Fe(III) oxides magnetic material for removal of cyanobacterial Microcystis aeruginosa and its regeneration Gao ZW, Peng XJ, Zhang HM, Luan ZK, Fan B |
346 - 354 |
New Fe(II) Ion-selective electrode based On N-Phenylaza-15-Crown-5 as neutral carrier in PVC matrix Aghaie M, Giahi M, Aghaie H, Arvand M, Pournaghdy M, Yavari F |
355 - 361 |
Study of adsorption kinetics of surfactants onto polyethersulfone membrane surface using QCM-D Liu SX, Kim JT |
362 - 369 |
Effects of hydraulic loading and room temperature on performance of anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic system for ammonia-ridden and phenol-rich coking effluents Zheng SK, Li W |
370 - 377 |
Effect of heat treatment on performance of chlorine-resistant polyamide reverse osmosis membranes Shintani T, Matsuyama H, Kurata N |
378 - 389 |
Small-scale photovoltaic-powered reverse osmosis plant without batteries: Design and simulation Riffel DB, Carvalho PCM |
390 - 395 |
Removal of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) ions from aqueous solutions by means of polyelectrolyte-enhanced ultrafiltration Korus I, Loska K |
396 - 402 |
Investigation of the degradation behaviour of Methamidophos under microwave irradiation Zhang L, Yan F, Shu MM, Li Q, Zhao ZY |
403 - 411 |
Feasibility research of potable water production via solar-heated hollow fiber membrane distillation system Wang XY, Zhang L, Yang HJ, Chen HL |
412 - 422 |
Decolourization process of an azoique dye (Congo red) by photochemical methods in homogeneous medium Kamel D, Sihem A, Halima C, Tahar S |
423 - 429 |
Quantitative determination of polyethylene glycol with modified Dragendorff reagent method Jia ZQ, Tian CN |
430 - 441 |
Kinetics of decolourization of malachite green from aqueous medium by maize cob (Zea maize): An agricultural solid waste Sonawane GH, Shrivastava VS |
442 - 455 |
Characterization and phosphorus removal of poly-silicic-ferric coagulant Fu Y, Yu SL |
456 - 465 |
Ion-exchange properties of 2,2'-dihydroxybiphenyl urea formaldehyde terpolymer resins Jadhao MM, Paliwal LJ, Bhave NS |
466 - 475 |
Nitrogen removal in a combined vertical and horizontal subsurface-flow constructed wetland system Tuncsiper B |
476 - 489 |
Ultrafiltration in a tubular membrane inserted concentrically with a solid rod of varying radius for improved performance Yeh HM, Chen YF |
490 - 508 |
A promising practice to reclaim treated wastewater for reuse: Chemical disinfection followed by natural systems Verlicchi P, Galletti A, Masotti L |
509 - 517 |
Pervaporation as a means of recovering ethanol from lignocellulosic bioconversions Aroujalian A, Raisi A |
518 - 529 |
Effect of basicity on coagulation performance of polyferric chloride applied in eutrophicated raw water Lei GY, Ma J, Guan XH, Song AK, Cui YJ |
530 - 539 |
Pb(II) adsorption on Tata chromite mine overburden Mohapatra A, Khatun S, Anand S |
540 - 550 |
Study on concentrating primary reverse osmosis retentate by direct contact membrane distillation Qu D, Wang J, Fan B, Luan ZK, Hou DY |
551 - 560 |
Adsorption of reactive dye on palm-oil industry waste: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies Hameed BH, Ahmad AA, Aziz N |
561 - 572 |
The Inhibition of aluminium corrosion in hydrochloric acid solution by exudate gum from Raphia hookeri Umoren SA, Obot IB, Ebenso EE, Obi-Egbedi NO |
573 - 582 |
Ketonic secondary Mannich bases as corrosion inhibitors for aluminium Elewady GY, Mostafa HA |
583 - 593 |
A novel application of automatic vacuum membrane bioreactor in wastewater reclamation Gao MZ, Chen ZB, Ren NQ, Zhang ZP |
594 - 609 |
Experimental and numerical investigation of humidification/dehumidification solar water desalination systems Dayem AMA, Fatouh M |
610 - 622 |
Rejection behavior of nickel ions from synthetic wastewater containing Na2SO4, NiSO4, MgCl2 and CaCl2 salts by nanofiltration and characterization of the membrane Murthy ZVP, Chaudhari LB |
623 - 635 |
Mass transfer of bacterial by-products (BBP) during nanofiltration: characterizations, transport, and sherwood relationships Park N, Lee S, Lee SH, Kim SD, Cho J |
636 - 646 |
Removal of Cu(II) and Pb(II) ions from aqueous solutions by adsorption on sawdust of Meranti wood Ahmad A, Rafatullah M, Sulaiman O, Ibrahim MH, Chii YY, Siddique BM |
647 - 656 |
Membranes of crosslinked hyperbranch polymers and their pervaporation properties Wei XZ, Liu XF, Zhu BK, Xu YY |