1 - 10 |
Alternative methods for membrane filtration of arsenic from drinking water Brandhuber P, Amy G |
11 - 18 |
Effect of pH on rejection of different species of arsenic by nanofiltration Urase T, Oh J, Yamamoto K |
19 - 35 |
65,000 GPD fluoride removal membrane system in Lakeland, California, USA Cohen D, Conrad HM |
37 - 48 |
Integrated multi-objective membrane systems for surface water treatment: pretreatment of reverse osmosis by conventional treatment and ultrafiltration Kruithof JC, Schippers JC, Kamp PC, Folmer HC, Hofman JAMH |
49 - 60 |
Treating different types of raw water with micro- and ultrafiltration for further desalination using reverse osmosis Van Houtte E, Verbauwhede J, Vanlerberghe F, Demunter S, Cabooter J |
131 - 138 |
Flux and recovery influences on treatment efficiency in ultrafiltration of coloured drinking water Thorsen T |
139 - 147 |
Nanofiltration as a treatment method for the removal of pesticides from ground waters Van der Bruggen B, Schaep J, Maes W, Wilms D, Vandecasteele C |
149 - 158 |
Performance of 3 years' operation of nanofiltration plants Gaid A, Bablon G, Turner G, Franchet J, Protais JC |
159 - 172 |
Electrodialysis as an alternative for reverse osmosis in an integrated membrane system van der Hoek JP, Rijnbende DO, Lokin CJA, Bonne PAC, Loonen MT, Hofman JAMH |
173 - 180 |
Experience with full-scale electrodialysis for nitrate and hardness removal Hell F, Lahnsteiner J, Frischherz H, Baumgartner G |
181 - 188 |
Immersed membrane filtration for the production of drinking water: Case studies Cote P, Mourato D, Gungerich C, Russell J, Houghton E |
189 - 196 |
Comparative study of different MF and UF membranes for drinking water production Mavrov V, Chmiel H, Kluth J, Meier J, Heinrich F, Ames P, Backes K, Usner P |
197 - 202 |
Groundwater reclamation by innovative desalting in Orange County, California Everest WR, Watson IC, MacLain D |
203 - 209 |
Membranes enabling the affordable and cost effective reuse of wastewater as an alternative water source Reith C, Birkenhead B |
211 - 218 |
Ozone-microfiltration system Mori Y, Oota T, Hashino M, Takamura M, Fujii Y |
219 - 231 |
Immersed membrane filtration for the production of drinking water: combination with PAC for NOM and SOCs removal Lebeau T, Lelievre C, Buisson H, Cleret D, Van de Venter LW, Cote P |
233 - 245 |
A new process to remove halogenated VOCs for drinking water production: vacuum membrane distillation Couffin N, Cabassud C, Lahoussine-Turcaud V |
247 - 256 |
Modelling the salt rejection of nanofiltration membranes for ternary ion mixtures and for single salts at different pH values Hagmeyer G, Gimbel R |
257 - 264 |
A theoretical basis for specifying nanofiltration membranes -Dye/salt/water streams Bowen WR, Mohammad AW |
265 - 271 |
Adsorption of trace organic compounds in CRISTAL (R) processes Campos C, Marinas BJ, Snoeyink VL, Baudin I, Laine JM |
273 - 282 |
Removal of humic substances with vibratory shear enhanced processing membrane filtration Takata K, Yamamoto K, Bian R, Watanabe Y |
283 - 295 |
Perspectives of the electrodialysis intensification Mishchuk NA |
297 - 309 |
The early history of reverse osmosis membrane development Glater J |
311 - 321 |
The Hollow Fiber Cartridge (TM) - Operational experience with an improved reverse osmosis device/technology Reibersdorfer G, Shields CP, Stranz JW |
323 - 331 |
Effective new pretreatment for seawater reverse osmosis systems Wilf M, Klinko K |