1 - 17 |
An integrated framework for sustainability assessment of seawater desalination Ibrahim Y, Arafat HA, Mezher T, AlMarzooqi F |
18 - 28 |
Development of novel thin film nanocomposite forward osmosis membranes containing halloysite/graphitic carbon nitride nanoparticles towards enhanced desalination performance Rezaei-DashtArzhandi M, Sarrafzadeh MH, Goh PS, Lau WJ, Ismail AF, Mohamed MA |
29 - 42 |
Exergy and thermo-economic analysis for MED-TVC desalination systems Elsayed ML, Mesalhy O, Mohammed RH, Chow LC |
43 - 54 |
Investigation of a floating solar desalination film Wang QS, Zhu ZY, Zheng HF |
55 - 73 |
Energy matrices, exergoeconomic and enviroeconomic analysis of modified multi-wick basin type double slope solar still Pal P, Dev R, Singh D, Ahsan A |
74 - 83 |
Correlations for estimating the specific capital cost of multi-effect distillation plants considering the main design trends and operating conditions Kosmadakis G, Papapetrou M, Ortega-Delgado B, Cipollina A, Alarcon-Padilla DC |
84 - 101 |
Performance assessment and optimization of a humidification dehumidification (HDH) system driven by absorption-compression heat pump cycle Rostamzadeh H, Namin AS, Ghaebi H, Amidpour M |
102 - 119 |
The study of a novel light concentration and direct heating solar distillation device embedded underground Zhu ZY, Zheng HF, Wang QS, Chen MX, Li ZL, Zhang B |
120 - 132 |
Electrodialysis-based desalination and reuse of sea and brackish polymer-flooding produced water Sosa-Fernandez PA, Post JW, Bruning H, Leermakers FAM, Rijnaarts HHM |
133 - 146 |
Experimental and simulation studies of two types of 5-inch scale hollow fiber membrane modules for pressure-retarded osmosis Tanaka Y, Yasukawa M, Goda S, Sakurai H, Shibuya M, Takahashi T, Kishimoto M, Higa M, Matsuyama H |
147 - 157 |
Controlling membrane ionization with bifunctional alendronates to benefit desalination through forward osmosis Xie GH, Xu WX, Ge QC |
158 - 166 |
GreenPRO: A novel fertiliser-driven osmotic power generation process for fertigation Volpin F, Gonzales RR, Lim S, Pathak N, Phuntsho S, Shon HK |
167 - 181 |
Current development and future prospect review of freeze desalination Kalista B, Shin H, Cho J, Jang A |
182 - 202 |
Membrane separation as a pre-treatment process for oily saline water Tawalbeh M, Al Mojjly A, Al-Othman A, Hilal N |