
Combustion Science and Technology

Combustion Science and Technology, Vol.134, No.1-6 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0010-2202 (Print) 

In this Issue (25 articles)

1 - 5 Special issue on the Fifth International Congress on Toxic Combustion By-Products - Preface
Gullett BK
7 - 30 New mechanistic aspects of the dehydrochlorination of PVC -Application of dehydrochlorination to plastic mixtures and electronic scrap
Bockhorn H, Hornung A, Hornung U, Jakobstroer P
31 - 44 Thermal decomposition studies of halogenated organic compounds
Michael JV, Kumaran SS
45 - 63 The gas-phase reaction of phenoxy radicals with bromobenzene
Grotheer HH, Louw R
65 - 85 An experimental study of the formation of perfluoroisobutene
Salmon RP, Difelice JJ, Ritter ER
87 - 101 A mobile laser mass spectrometer (REMPI-TOFMS) for continuous monitoring of toxic combustion byproducts: Real-time on-line analysis of PAH in waste incineration flue gases
Zimmermann R, Heger HJ, Dorfner R, Boesl U, Blumenstock M, Lenoir D, Kettrup A
103 - 126 Toward development of a laser-based continuous emission monitor system for toxic metals in off-gases
Monts DL, Singh JP, Abhilasha YS, Zhang H, Yueh FY, Jang PR, Singh SK
127 - 138 A laser diagnostic technique to measure chemical delay time in hypergolic combustion
Mays LO, Farmer MJ, Smith JE
139 - 163 Selective detection of dibenzodioxin, dibenzofuran and some small polycyclic aromatics
Velazquez J, Voloboueva LA, Cool TA
165 - 181 Infrared color center laser system for tomographic determination of temperature and species concentration distributions in combusting systems
Chojnacki AM, Wolga GJ, Gouldin FC
183 - 200 In situ processing of ferroelectric materials from lead waste streams by injection of gas phase titanium precursors: Laser induced fluorescence and X-ray diffraction measurements
Biswas P, Yang G, Zachariah MR
201 - 220 Lowly chlorinated dibenzodioxins as TEQ indicators. A combined approach using spectroscopic measurements with DLR jet-REMPI and statistical correlations with waste combustor emissions
Oser H, Thanner R, Grotheer HH, Gullett BK, Natschke D, Raghunathan K
221 - 241 Ultraviolet broadband light scattering by single metal-containing droplets
Merola SS, Kurz M, Borghese A, D'Anna A, D'Alessio A
243 - 262 Nickel and chromium speciation of residual oil combustion ash
Galbreath KC, Zygarlicke CJ, Toman DL, Huggins FE, Huffman G
263 - 289 Adsorption and desorption of mercury on sorbents at elevated temperatures
Ho TC, Ghai AR, Guo F, Wang KS, Hopper JR
291 - 314 Partitioning of the refractory metals, nickel and chromium, in combustion systems
Linak WP, Wendt JOL
315 - 326 Practical limitation of mercury speciation in simulated municipal waste incinerator flue gas
Widmer NC, Cole JA, Seeker WR, Gaspar JA
327 - 349 A model of post combustor condensation of heavy metal vapors onto suspended sorbents
Karimanal KV, Hall MJ
351 - 366 Evaluating the feasibility of biomass pyrolysis oil for spray combustion applications
Krumdieck SP, Daily JW
367 - 387 Enhanced formation of chlorinated PICs by the addition of bromine
Lemieux PM, Ryan JV
389 - 405 Byproducts emissions in reburning and advanced reburning technologies
Zamansky VM, Maly PM, Seeker WR
407 - 432 PAH and soot emissions from combustion of coal and waste tire-derived-fuel in fixed beds
Levendis YA, Atal A, Carlson JB
433 - 455 Ultrafine ash particle formation during waste sludge incineration in fluidized bed reactors
Somppi JL, Kauppinen EI, Kurkela J, Tapper U, Ohman M, Nordin A, Johanson B
457 - 475 Particulate formation from the spray combustion of heavy oil and biofuel
Allouis C, Romano M, Beretta F, Viegas L, D'Alessio A
477 - 502 Fine particle emissions from heavy fuel oil combustion in a firetube package boiler
Miller CA, Linak WP, King C, Wendt JOL