637 - 643 |
Pressure modeling of upward flame spread and burning rates over solids in partial gravity Kleinhenz J, Feier II, Hsu SY, T'ien JS, Ferkul PV, Sacksteder KR |
644 - 659 |
Simulations of detonation wave propagation in rectangular ducts using a three-dimensional WENO scheme Dou HS, Tsai HM, Khoo BC, Qiu JX |
660 - 670 |
Infrared imaging of AP/HTPB laminate propellant flames Fitzgerald RP, Brewster MQ |
671 - 691 |
Experimental study of Markstein number effects on laminar flamelet velocity in turbulent premixed flames Weiss M, Zarzalis N, Suntz R |
692 - 714 |
The structure of partially premixed methane flames in high-intensity turbulent flows Yaldizli M, Mehravaran K, Mohammad H, Jaberi FA |
715 - 727 |
OH production by transient plasma and mechanism of flame ignition and propagation in quiescent methane-air mixtures Cathey C, Cain J, Wang H, Gundersen MA, Carter C, Ryan M |
728 - 739 |
Microwave attenuation in forest fuel flames Mphale KM, Luhanga PVC, Heron ML |
740 - 760 |
A dynamic model for the turbulent burning velocity for large eddy simulation of premixed combustion Knudsen E, Pitsch H |
761 - 774 |
A criterion based on computational singular perturbation for the identification of quasi steady state species: A reduced mechanism for methane oxidation with NO chemistry Lu TF, Law CK |
775 - 788 |
On evolution of particle size distribution functions of incipient soot in premixed ethylene-oxygen-argon flames Abid AD, Heinz N, Tolmachoff ED, Phares DJ, Campbell CS, Wang H |
789 - 801 |
Microgravity opposed-flow flame spread in polyvinyl chloride tubes Sidebotham GW, Olson SL |
802 - 818 |
Investigation of local flame structures and statistics in partially premixed turbulent jet flames using simultaneous single-shot CH and OH planar laser-induced fluorescence imaging Kiefer J, Li ZS, Zetterberg J, Bai XS, Alden M |
819 - 819 |
Corrigendum to "Synergistic effect of mixing dimethyl ether with methane, ethane, propane, and ethylene fuels on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and soot formation" (vol 154, pg 368, 2008) Yoon SS, Ahn DH, Chung SH |