
Combustion and Flame

Combustion and Flame, Vol.151, No.3 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0010-2180 (Print) 

In this Issue (11 articles)

397 - 411 Conditional moment closure calculations of a swirl-stabilized, turbulent nonpremixed methane flame
Fairweather M, Woolley RM
412 - 425 Combustion dynamics of a low-swirl combustor
Kang DM, Culick FEC, Ratner A
426 - 436 On the burning behavior of pulverized coal chars
Mitchell RE, Ma LQ, Kim B
437 - 451 On the low-frequency limit of flame transfer functions
Polifke W, Lawn C
452 - 471 Numerical study of turbulent flame velocity
Akkerman V, Bychkov V, Eriksson LE
472 - 481 Evidence of fluorescent carbon nanoparticles produced in premixed flames by time-resolved fluorescence polarization anisotropy
Bruno A, de Lisio C, Minutolo P, D'Alessio A
482 - 494 Study of the evolution of particle size distributions and its effects on the oxidation of pulverized coal
Jimenez S, Ballester J
495 - 511 Transport budgets in turbulent lifted flames of methane autoigniting in a vitiated co-flow
Gordon RL, Masri AR, Pope SB, Goldin GM
512 - 531 Eulerian particle flamelet modeling of a bluff-body CH4/H-2 flame
Odedra A, Malalasekera W
532 - 541 The effect of strain rate on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) formation in acetylene diffusion flames
Yamamoto M, Duan S, Senkan S
542 - 550 Chemical kinetic considerations for postflame synthesis of carbon nanotubes in premixed flames using a support catalyst
Gopinath P, Gore J