
Combustion and Flame

Combustion and Flame, Vol.113, No.3 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0010-2180 (Print) 

In this Issue (15 articles)

289 - 302 Study of autoignition of natural gas in diesel environments using computational fluid dynamics with detailed chemical kinetics
Bi HF, Agrawal AK
303 - 311 Location of the schlieren image in premixed flames: Axially symmetrical refractive index fields
Dunn-Rankin D, Weinberg F
312 - 332 On the adequacy of certain experimental observables as measurements of flame burning rate
Najm HN, Paul PH, Mueller CJ, Wyckoff PS
333 - 347 Measured flame structure and kinetics in a fuel-rich ethylene flame
Bhargava A, Westmoreland PR
348 - 357 Premixed flame stabilization in an axisymmetric curved-wall jet
Gil YS, Jung HS, Chung SH
358 - 372 An examination of the applicability of computed tomography for the measurement of component concentrations in fire-generated plumes
Baum RT, McGrattan KB, Nyden MR
373 - 379 Ignition and combustion of a packed bed in a stagnation point flow part II: Heterogeneous and homogeneous reactions
Reinelt D, Laurs A, Adomeit G
380 - 387 Effects of pressure and oxygen concentration on ignition and combustion of boron in oxygen/nitrogen mixture streams
Yuasa S, Yoshida T, Kawashima M, Isoda H
388 - 405 Ignition of heterogeneous mixtures in gravitational fields
Shkadinsky KG, Shkadinskaya GV, Matkowsky BJ
406 - 423 Hydrodynamic instability in an extended Landau/Levich model of liquid-propellant combustion at normal and reduced gravity
Margolis SB
424 - 441 A stochastic model of particle dispersion in a turbulent gaseous environment
Lightstone MF, Raithby GD
442 - 453 A comparison of scalar PDF turbulent combustion models
Goldin GM, Menon S
454 - 469 A study of coupled turbulent mixing, soot chemistry, and radiation effects using the linear eddy model
Zimberg MJ, Frankel SH, Gore JP, Sivathanu YR
470 - 472 A thin front model applied to flame propagation in tubes
Bychkov VV, Kleev AI, Liberman MA
473 - 475 Laser-saturated fluorescence measurements of nitric oxide in laminar counterflow diffusion flames
Ravikrishna RV, Laurendeau NM