
Combustion and Flame

Combustion and Flame, Vol.180 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0010-2180 (Print) 

In this Issue (32 articles)

1 - 1 Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Freely Propagating Ozone-Activated Dimethyl Ether Cool Flames (vol 176, pg 326, 2017)
Hajilou M, Ombrello T, Won SH, Belmont E
2 - 9 Mathematical modeling of reactants' transport and chemistry during oxidation of a millimeter-sized coal-char particle in a hot air stream
Beckmann AM, Bibrzycki J, Mancini M, Szlek A, Weber R
10 - 19 A multi-phase micro-kinetic model for simulating aluminum based thermite reactions
Baijot V, Mehdi DR, Rossi C, Esteve A
20 - 31 Investigation on the oxidation chemistry of methanol in laminar premixed flames
Zhang XY, Wang GQ, Zou JBA, Li YY, Li W, Li TY, Jin HF, Zhou ZY, Lee YY
32 - 39 Effect of catalytically active Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 coating on the heterogeneous combustion of methane within MgO stabilized ZrO2 porous ceramics
Terracciano AC, De Oliveira S, Vazquez-Molina D, Uribe-Romo FJ, Vasu SS, Orlovskaya N
40 - 52 Flow Field and Scalar Measurements in a Series of Turbulent Partially-Premixed Dimethyl Ether/Air Jet Flames
Coriton B, Im SK, Gamba M, Frank JH
53 - 62 Turbulent Flame Speed Dependencies in Lean Methane-Air Mixtures under Engine Relevant Conditions
Wang ZY, Magi V, Abraham J
63 - 76 Measurements and interpretation of shock tube ignition delay times in highly CO2 diluted mixtures using multiple diagnostics
Pryor O, Barak S, Koroglu B, Ninnemann E, Vasu SS
77 - 87 Effects of dissipation rate and diffusion rate of the progress variable on local fuel burning rate in premixed turbulent flames
Savard B, Blanquart G
88 - 101 Comparative behavior of piloted turbulent premixed jet flames of C1-C8 hydrocarbons
Carbone F, Smolke JL, Fincham AM, Egolfopoulos FN
A1 - A3 Professor Boris Vasilievich Novozhilov (1930-2017) In Memoriam
Novozhilov V, DeLuca L
102 - 109 Spray breakup and structure of spray flames for low-volatility wet fuels
Madero JE, Axelbaum RL
110 - 123 A direct numerical simulation study of flame structure and stabilization of an experimental high Ka CH4/air premixed jet flame
Wang HO, Hawkes ER, Chen JH
124 - 135 Large eddy simulation of a turbulent swirling premixed flame coupling the TFLES model with a dynamic wrinkling formulation
Volpiani PS, Schmitt T, Veynante D
136 - 147 An exploration of inter-pulse coupling in nanosecond pulsed high frequency discharge ignition
Lefkowitz JK, Ombrello T
148 - 157 Kinetic barriers, rate constants and branching ratios for unimolecular reactions of methyl octanoate peroxy radicals: A computational study of a mid-sized biodiesel fuel surrogate
Tao HR, Lin KC
158 - 166 Multi-parameter measurements of laminar sooting flames using thermophoretic sampling technique
Xu ZW, Zhao HB, Chen XB, Lou C
167 - 174 Numerical study of soot formation in laminar coflow methane/air diffusion flames doped by n-heptane/toluene and iso-octane/toluene blends
Consalvi JL, Liu FS, Kashif M, Legros G
175 - 183 Assembly and encapsulation of aluminum NP's within AP/NC matrix and their reactive properties
Wang HY, Jacob RJ, DeLisio JB, Zachariah MR
184 - 195 Homogeneous ignition during fuel-rich H-2/O-2/N-2 combustion in platinum-coated channels at elevated pressures
Sui R, Es-Sebbar ET, Mantzaras J, Bombach R
196 - 206 The influence of the structure heterogeneity on the characteristics and conditions of the coal-water fuel particles ignition in high temperature environment
Syrodoy SV, Kuznetsov GV, Zhakharevich AV, Gutareva NY, Salomatov VV
207 - 216 A study of detonation re-initiation through multiple reflections in a 90-degree bifurcation channel
Li L, Li JM, Nguyen VB, Teo CJ, Chang PH, Khoo BC
217 - 229 Microgravity flammability boundary for PMMA rods in axial stagnation flow: Experimental results and energy balance analyses
Olson SL, Ferkul PV
230 - 238 Emission and laser absorption spectroscopy of flat flames in aluminum suspensions
Soo M, Goroshin S, Glumac N, Kumashiro K, Vickery J, Frost DL, Bergthorson JM
239 - 249 The role of correlations in uncertainty quantification of transportation relevant fuel models
Fridlyand A, Johnson MS, Goldsborough SS, West RH, McNenly MJ, Mehl M, Pitz WJ
250 - 261 Investigating repetitive reaction pathways for the formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in combustion processes
Hansen N, Schenk M, Moshammer K, Kohse-Hoinghaus K
262 - 275 Spatio-temporal evolution of harmonic disturbances on laminar, non-premixed flames: Measurements and analysis
Magina N, Steele W, Emerson B, Lieuwen T
276 - 283 The effect of oxygenated fuel properties on diesel spray combustion and soot formation
Park W, Park S, Reitz RD, Kurtz E
284 - 303 Compressibility and heat release effects in high-speed reactive mixing layers I.: Growth rates and turbulence characteristics
Ferrer PJM, Lehnasch G, Mura A
304 - 320 Compressibility and heat release effects in high-speed reactive mixing layers II. Structure of the stabilization zone and modeling issues relevant to turbulent combustion in supersonic flows
Ferrer PJM, Lehnasch G, Mura A
321 - 339 Flame resolved simulation of a turbulent premixed bluff-body burner experiment. Part I: Analysis of the reaction zone dynamics with tabulated chemistry
Proch F, Domingo P, Vervisch L, Kempf AM
340 - 350 Flame resolved simulation of a turbulent premixed bluff-body burner experiment. Part II: A-priori and a-posteriori investigation of sub-grid scale wrinkling closures in the context of artificially thickened flame modeling
Proch F, Domingo P, Vervisch L, Kempf AM