1 - 3 |
Introduction to the Quantum Chemistry 2012 Issue Pyykko P, Stanton JF |
4 - 74 |
Explicitly Correlated Electrons in Molecules Hattig C, Klopper W, Kohn A, Tew DP |
75 - 107 |
Explicitly Correlated R12/F12 Methods for Electronic Structure Kong LG, Bischoff FA, Valeev EF |
108 - 181 |
Multiconfiguration Self-Consistent Field and Multireference Configuration Interaction Methods and Applications Szalay PG, Muller T, Gidofalvi G, Lischka H, Shepard R |
182 - 243 |
Multireference Nature of Chemistry: The Coupled-Cluster View Lyakh DI, Musial M, Lotrich VF, Bartlett RJ |
244 - 262 |
Two-Electron Reduced Density Matrix as the Basic Variable in Many-Electron Quantum Chemistry and Physics Mazziotti DA |
263 - 288 |
Quantum Monte Carlo and Related Approaches Austin BM, Zubarev DY, Lester WA |
289 - 320 |
Challenges for Density Functional Theory Cohen AJ, Mori-Sanchez P, Yang WT |
321 - 370 |
Constrained Density Functional Theory Kaduk B, Kowalczyk T, Van Voorhis T |
371 - 384 |
The Physics behind Chemistry and the Periodic Table Pyykko P |
385 - 402 |
The Douglas-Kroll-Hess Approach Nakajima T, Hirao K |
403 - 480 |
Relativistic Pseudopotentials: Their Development and Scope of Applications Dolg M, Cao XY |
481 - 498 |
Nonadiabatic Quantum Chemistry-Past, Present, and Future Yarkony DR |
499 - 542 |
Fundamental Approaches to Nonadiabaticity: Toward a Chemical Theory beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Paradigm Yonehara T, Hanasaki K, Takatsuka K |
543 - 631 |
Recent Advances in Wave Function-Based Methods of Molecular-Property Calculations Helgaker T, Coriani S, Jorgensen P, Kristensen K, Olsen J, Ruud K |
632 - 672 |
Fragmentation Methods: A Route to Accurate Calculations on Large Systems Gordon MS, Fedorov DG, Pruitt SR, Slipchenko LV |