
Chemical Engineering Science

Chemical Engineering Science, Vol.51, No.7 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0009-2509 (Print) 

In this Issue (17 articles)

1009 - 1021 Mixing and Dispersion Measurements on Packed-Bed Flows Using a Fiberoptic Probe Array
Jones MC, Nassimbene RD, Wolfe JD, Frederick NV
1023 - 1026 Evaluation of Glucose Diffusion-Coefficient Through Cell-Layers for the Kinetic-Study of an Immobilized Cell-Bioreactor
Converti A, Casagrande M, Degiovanni M, Rovatti M, Delborghi M
1027 - 1042 Modeling and Experimental-Study of the Transient-Behavior of Plant-Tissue Sensors in Sensing Dopamine
Chen Y, Tan TC
1043 - 1054 Towards a General Gas-Adsorption Isotherm
Martinez GM, Basmadjian D
1055 - 1070 High-Resolution Self-Adaptive Computations on Chemical Reaction-Diffusion Problems with Internal Boundaries
Lang J
1071 - 1078 Solution of the Self-Consistent-Field Model for Polymer Adsorption by Genetic Algorithms
Hanagandi V, Ploehn H, Nikolaou M
1079 - 1087 Shear-Induced Coagulation Kinetics of Semibatch Seeded Emulsion Polymerization
Chern CS, Kuo YN
1089 - 1106 Simulation of a 3-Moment Fluid Model of a 2-Dimensional Radio-Frequency Discharge
Wilcoxson MH, Manousiouthakis VI
1107 - 1111 Analysis of Homogeneous Combustion in Monolithic Structures
Boshoffmostert L, Viljoen HJ
1113 - 1120 Prediction of Lifetime of Poly(2-Hexyne) Films Through the Kinetics of Thermooxidative Degradation from Thermogravimetric and Molecular-Weight Data
Gonzalezvelasco JR, Gonzalezmarcos JA, Delgado JA, Deelguea CG, Gutierrezortiz JI
1121 - 1132 Heat, Momentum and Mass-Transport Through a Shrinking Biomass Particle Exposed to Thermal-Radiation
Diblasi C
1133 - 1147 An Experimental and Modeling Investigation of Gas Mixing in Bubbling Fluidized-Beds
Sane SU, Haynes HW, Agarwal PK
1149 - 1155 Estimating 2nd-Order Dead-Time Parameters from Underdamped Process Transients
Rangaiah GP, Krishnaswamy PR
1157 - 1168 Analytical Solutions for Falling Film Absorption of Ternary Mixtures .1. Theory
Conlisk AT
1169 - 1172 Mass-Transfer Between a Slender Bubble and a Viscous-Liquid in Axisymmetrical Extensional Flow
Favelukis M, Semiat R
1173 - 1176 Hydrodynamics and Mass-Transfer in an Airlift Reactor with a Semipermeable Draft Tube
Karamanev DG, Chavarie C, Samson R
1177 - 1180 Wall Effect on the Packing of Cylindrical Particles
Zou RP, Yu AB