841 - 841 |
Vintage Paper Introduction Rao G |
842 - 853 |
Dynamic Measurement of the Volumetric Oxygen Transfer Coefficient in Fermentation Systems Bandyopadhyay B, Humphrey AE, Taguchi H |
854 - 861 |
Efficient Synthesis of a Long Carbohydrate Chain Alkyl Glycoside Catalyzed by Cyclodextrin Glycosyltransferase (CGTase) Svensson D, Ulvenlund S, Adlercreutz P |
862 - 870 |
Improvement of Low-Temperature Caseinolytic Activity of a Thermophilic Subtilase by Directed Evolution and Site-Directed Mutagenesis Zhong CQ, Song SL, Fang N, Liang XL, Zhu H, Tang XF, Tang B |
871 - 881 |
Use of Recombinant Rotavirus VP6 Nanotubes as a Multifunctional Template for the Synthesis of Nanobiomaterials Functionalized With Metals Plascencia-Villa G, Saniger JM, Ascencio JA, Palomares LA, Ramirez OT |
882 - 891 |
Impedance Spectroscopy as a Tool for Non-Intrusive Detection of Extracellular Mediators in Microbial Fuel Cells Ramasamy RP, Gadhamshetty V, Nadeau LJ, Johnson GR |
892 - 900 |
Mutants of the Pentose-Fermenting Yeast Pichia stipitis With Improved Tolerance to Inhibitors in Hardwood Spent Sulfite Liquor Bajwa PK, Shireen T, D'Aoust F, Pinel D, Martin VJJ, Trevors JT, Lee H |
901 - 910 |
Characterization of Electrochemical Activity of a Strain IS02-3 Phylogenetically Related to Aeromonas sp Isolated From a Glucose-Fed Microbial Fuel Cell Chung KM, Okahe S |
911 - 919 |
Construction of Hansenula polymorpha Strains With Improved Thermotolerance Ishchuk OP, Voronovsky AY, Abbas CA, Sibirny AA |
920 - 931 |
Simultaneous Saccharification and Co-Fermentation of Paper Sludge to Ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae RWB222-Part I: Kinetic Modeling and Parameters Zhang JY, Shao XJ, Townsend OV, Lynd LR |
932 - 938 |
Simultaneous Saccharification and Co-Fermentation of Paper Sludge to Ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae RWB222. Part II: Investigation of Discrepancies Between Predicted and Observed Performance at High Solids Concentration Zhang JY, Shao XJ, Lynd LR |
939 - 946 |
Photosynthetic Microbial Fuel Cells With Positive Light Response Zou YJ, Pisciotta J, Billmyre RB, Baskakov IV |
947 - 956 |
Plant Cell Calcium-Rich Environment Enhances Thermostability of Recombinantly Produced alpha-Amylase From the Hyperthermophilic Bacterium Thermotoga maritime Santa-Maria MC, Chou CJ, Yencho GC, Haigler CH, Thompson WF, Kelly RM, Sosinski B |
957 - 964 |
Rapid Optimization of Protein Freeze-Drying Formulations Using Ultra Scale-Down and Factorial Design of Experiment in Microplates Grant Y, Matejtschuk P, Dalby PA |
965 - 972 |
Metabolism in 1,3-Propanediol Fed-Batch Fermentation by a D-Lactate Deficient Mutant of Klebsiella pneumoniae Xu YZ, Guo NN, Zheng ZM, Ou XJ, Liu HJ, Liu DH |
973 - 985 |
The Chromatography-Free Release, Isolation and Purification of Recombinant Peptide for Fibril Self-Assembly Hartmann BM, Kaar W, Yoo IK, Lua LHL, Falconer RJ, Middelberg APJ |
986 - 994 |
Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for Genome-Wide Analysis of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Omasa T, Cao YH, Park JY, Takagi Y, Kimura S, Yano H, Honda K, Asakawa S, Shimizu N, Ohtake H |
995 - 1003 |
Optimization of Mass Transfer for Toxin Removal and Immunoprotection of Hepatocytes in a Bioartificial Liver Nedredal GI, Amiot BP, Nyberg P, Luebke-Wheeler J, Lillegard JB, McKenzie TJ, Nyberg SL |
1004 - 1011 |
Expression of merA, trxA, amoA, and hao in Continuously Cultured Nitrosomonas europaea Cells Exposed to Cadmium Sulfate Additions Radniecki TS, Semprini L, Dolan ME |
1012 - 1024 |
Life-Cycle Kinetic Model for Endospore-Forming Bacteria, Including Germination and Sporulation Park S, Rittmann BE, Bae W |
1025 - 1033 |
A Biomimetic Tubular Scaffold With Spatially Designed Nanofibers of Protein/PDS (R) Bio-Blends Thomas V, Zhang X, Vohra YK |
1034 - 1040 |
Plasma Facilitated Delivery of DNA to Skin Connolly RJ, Lopez GA, Hoff AM, Jaroszeski MJ |
1041 - 1046 |
Using Microarray Technology to Select Housekeeping Genes in Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells Bahr SM, Borgschulte T, Kayser KJ, Lin N |