1647 - 1662 |
Building Biomedical Materials using Photochemical Bond Cleavage Bao CY, Zhu LY, Lin QN, Tian H |
1663 - 1663 |
Photoluminescence-Tunable Carbon Nanodots: Surface-State Energy-Gap Tuning Bao L, Liu C, Zhang ZL, Pang DW |
1668 - 1668 |
Toward a New Generation of Electrically Controllable Hygromorphic Soft Actuators Taccola S, Greco F, Sinibaldi E, Mondini A, Mazzolai B, Mattoli V |
1676 - 1676 |
Influence of Conversion Material Morphology on Electrochemistry Studied with Operando X-Ray Tomography and Diffraction Villevieille C, Ebner M, Gomez-Camer JL, Marone F, Novak P, Wood V |
1682 - 1682 |
Electrolyte-Assisted Electrospinning for a Self-Assembled, Free-Standing Nanofiber Membrane on a Curved Surface Park SM, Kim DS |
1688 - 1688 |
Printing in Three Dimensions with Graphene Garcia-Tunon E, Barg S, Franco J, Bell R, Eslava S, D'Elia E, Maher RC, Guitian F, Saiz E |
1694 - 1694 |
A Facile Layer-by-Layer Approach for High-Areal-Capacity Sulfur Cathodes Qie L, Manthiram A |
1701 - 1701 |
Tuning Carrier Mobilities and Polarity of Charge Transport in Films of CuInSexS2-x Quantum Dots Draguta S, McDaniel H, Klimov VI |
1706 - 1706 |
SERS Encoded Silver Pyramids for Attomolar Detection of Multiplexed Disease Biomarkers Xu LG, Yan WJ, Ma W, Kuang H, Wu XL, Liu LQ, Zhao Y, Wang LB, Xu CL |
1712 - 1712 |
A Stretchable Nanowire UV-Vis-NIR Photodetector with High Performance Yoo J, Jeong S, Kim S, Je JH |
1718 - 1718 |
A Solid-State Effect Responsible for an Organic Quintet State at Room Temperature and Ambient Pressure Zheng YH, Miao MS, Dantelle G, Eisenmenger ND, Wu G, Yavuz I, Chabinyc ML, Houk KN, Wudl F |
1724 - 1724 |
Self-Crack-Filled Graphene Films by Metallic Nanoparticles for High-Performance Graphene Heterojunction Solar Cells Ho PH, Liou YT, Chuang CH, Lin SW, Tseng CY, Wang DY, Chen CC, Hung WY, Wen CY, Chen CW |
1731 - 1731 |
Materials and Fractal Designs for 3D Multifunctional Integumentary Membranes with Capabilities in Cardiac Electrotherapy Xu LZ, Gutbrod SR, Ma YJ, Petrossians A, Liu YH, Webb RC, Fan JA, Yang ZJ, Xu RX, Whalen JJ, Weiland JD, Huang YG, Efimov IR, Rogers JA |
1738 - 1738 |
One Step Creation of Multifunctional 3D Architectured Hydrogels Inducing Bone Regeneration Neffe AT, Pierce BF, Tronci G, Ma N, Pittermann E, Gebauer T, Frank O, Schossig M, Xu X, Willie BM, Forner M, Ellinghaus A, Lienau J, Duda GN, Lendlein A |
1745 - 1745 |
Superwettability Controlled Overflow Dong ZC, Wu L, Wang JF, Ma J, Jiang L |
1751 - 1751 |
Ultrahigh Field Enhancement and Photoresponse in Atomically Separated Arrays of Plasmonic Dimers Paria D, Roy K, Singh HJ, Kumar S, Raghavan S, Ghosh A, Ghosh A |
1759 - 1759 |
High-Rate Nanoscale Offset Printing Process Using Directed Assembly and Transfer of Nanomaterials Cho HC, Somu S, Lee JY, Jeong HB, Busnaina A |
1767 - 1767 |
Polymer Homo-Tandem Solar Cells with Best Efficiency of 11.3% Zhou HQ, Zhang Y, Mai CK, Collins SD, Bazan GC, Nguyen TQ, Heeger AJ |
1774 - 1774 |
Patterning Magnetic Regions in Hydrogenated Graphene Via E-Beam Irradiation Lee WK, Whitener KE, Robinson JT, Sheehan PE |
1779 - 1779 |
High-Resolution Unpixelated Smart Patches with Antiparallel Thickness Gradients of Nanoparticles Segev-Bar M, Konvalina G, Haick H |
1785 - 1785 |
Hexamodal Imaging with Porphyrin-Phospholipid-Coated Upconversion Nanoparticles Rieffel J, Chen F, Kim J, Chen GY, Shao W, Shao S, Chitgupi U, Hernandez R, Graves SA, Nickles RJ, Prasad PN, Kim C, Cai WB, Lovell JF |
1791 - 1791 |
Highly Circularly Polarized Electroluminescence from a Chiral Europium Complex Zinna F, Giovanella U, Di Bari L |