
Applied Energy

Applied Energy, Vol.137 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0306-2619 (Print) 

In this Issue (86 articles)

1 - 8 Assessing the impact of changes in the electricity price structure on dairy farm energy costs
Upton J, Murphy M, Shalloo L, Koerkamp PWGG, De Boer IJM
9 - 17 A two-stage traveling-wave thermoacoustic electric generator with loudspeakers as alternators
Kang HF, Cheng P, Yu ZB, Zheng HF
18 - 25 On-line measurement of proximates and lignocellulose components of corn stover using NIRS
Xue JJ, Yang ZL, Han LJ, Liu YC, Liu Y, Zhou CC
26 - 36 CO2 capture and sorbent regeneration performances of some wood ash materials
Guo YF, Zhao CW, Chen XP, Li CH
37 - 45 Methodology to establish the permitted maximum losses due to shading and orientation in photovoltaic applications in buildings
Mulcue-Nieto LF, Mora-Lopez L
46 - 55 Experimental investigation of a multi-effect active solar still: The effect of the number of stages
Estahbanati MRK, Feilizadeh M, Jafarpur K, Feilizadeh M, Rahimpour MR
56 - 63 Optimal operation of cascade hydropower stations using hydrogen as storage medium
Lu D, Wang BD, Wang YD, Zhou HC, Liang QH, Peng Y, Roskilly T
64 - 76 A model-based approach to battery selection for truck onboard fuel cell-based APU in an anti-idling application
Pregelj B, Vrecko D, Petrovcic J, Jovan V, Dolanc G
77 - 87 A fast chiller power demand response control strategy for buildings connected to smart grid
Xue X, Wang SW, Yan CC, Cui BR
88 - 96 Impact of electric vehicles on distribution substations: A Swiss case study
Salah F, Ilg JP, Flath CM, Basse H, van Dinther C
97 - 109 Minimal heating and cooling in a modern rose greenhouse
Van Beveren PJM, Bontsema J, Van Straten G, Van Henten EJ
110 - 116 Economic growth and biomass consumption nexus: Dynamic panel analysis for Sub-Sahara African countries
Ozturk I, Bilgili F
117 - 125 Wind tunnel experiments of a newly developed two-bladed Savonius-style wind turbine
Roy S, Saha UK
126 - 133 A new model to estimate CO2 coal gasification kinetics based only on parent coal characterization properties
Gomez A, Mahinpey N
134 - 150 Gray-box modeling and validation of residential HVAC system for control system design
Afram A, Janabi-Sharifi F
151 - 157 Electricity generation by a plant microbial fuel cell with an integrated oxygen reducing biocathode
Wetser K, Sudirjo E, Buisman CJN, Strik DPBTB
158 - 172 Generalization of exergy analysis
Pavelka M, Klika V, Vagner P, Marsik F
173 - 182 Optimal allocation and adaptive VAR control of PV-DG in distribution networks
Fu XQ, Chen HY, Cai RQ, Yang P
183 - 192 Hydrothermal liquefaction of barley straw to bio-crude oil: Effects of reaction temperature and aqueous phase recirculation
Zhu Z, Rosendahl L, Toor SS, Yu DH, Chen GY
193 - 210 High resolution modelling of multi-energy domestic demand profiles
Good N, Zhang LX, Navarro-Espinosa A, Mancarella P
211 - 221 Heat and mass transfer performance analysis and cooling capacity prediction of earth to air heat exchanger
Niu FX, Yu YB, Yu DH, Li HR
222 - 239 Preliminary experimental analysis of a small-scale prototype SWRO desalination plant, designed for continuous adjustment of its energy consumption to the widely varying power generated by a stand-alone wind turbine
Carta JA, Gonzalez J, Cabrera P, Subiela VJ
240 - 249 New and improved methods to estimate day-ahead quantity and quality of solar irradiance
Kang BO, Tam KS
250 - 255 Co-digestion of food waste in municipal wastewater treatment plants: Effect of different mixtures on methane yield and hydrolysis rate constant
Koch K, Helmreich B, Drewes JE
256 - 264 Oil price volatility and oil-related events: An Internet concern study perspective
Ji Q, Guo JF
265 - 272 New kinetic model of coal tar hydrogenation process via carbon number component approach
Dai F, Gong MM, Li CS, Li ZX, Zhang SJ
273 - 281 Electricity consumption of telecommunication equipment to achieve a telemeeting
Chavanne X, Schinella S, Marquet D, Frangi JP, Le Masson S
282 - 291 Enhancing the productivity of microalgae cultivated in wastewater toward biofuel production: A critical review
Chen GY, Zhao L, Qi Y
292 - 300 New steam generation system for lead-cooled fast reactors, based on steam re-circulation through ejector
Damiani L, Revetria R
301 - 309 Korean public's perceptions on supply security of fossil fuels: A contingent valuation analysis
Kim J, Kim J
310 - 321 Performance assessment of partially sullonated PVdF-co-HFP as polymer electrolyte membranes in single chambered microbial fuel cells
Kumar V, Nandy A, Das S, Salahuddin M, Kundu PP
322 - 337 Optimization and spatial pattern of large-scale aquifer thermal energy storage
Sommer W, Valstar J, Leusbrock I, Grotenhuis T, Rijnaarts H
338 - 351 Controlling moisture content and truck configurations to model and optimise biomass supply chain logistics in Ireland
Sosa A, Acuna M, McDonnell K, Devlin G
352 - 363 An efficient optimization of well placement and control for a geothermal prospect under geological uncertainty
Chen MJ, Tompson AFB, Mellors RJ, Abdalla O
364 - 374 Exploring energy efficiency in several European countries. An attribution analysis of the Divisia structural change index
Gonzalez PF
375 - 384 Wave energy potential assessment in the Caribbean Low Level Jet using wave hindcast information
Appendini CM, Urbano-Latorre CP, Figueroa B, Dagua-Paz CJ, Torres-Freyermuth A, Salles P
385 - 401 The effects of key parameters on the transition from SI combustion to HCCI combustion in a two-stroke free piston linear engine
Hung NB, Lim O, Iida N
402 - 412 Performance characterization of a vanadium redox flow battery at different operating parameters under a standardized test-bed system
Mohamed MR, Leung PK, Sulaiman MH
413 - 426 A multi-region optimization planning model for China's power sector
Cheng R, Xu ZF, Liu P, Wang Z, Li Z, Jones I
427 - 434 A method for state-of-charge estimation of Li-ion batteries based on multi-model switching strategy
Wang YJ, Zhang CB, Chen ZH
435 - 444 Seasonal climate forecasts for medium-term electricity demand forecasting
De Felice M, Alessandri A, Catalano F
445 - 462 Correlation analysis on wind and hydro resources with electricity demand and prices in New Zealand
Suomalainen K, Pritchard G, Sharp B, Yuan ZQ, Zakeri G
463 - 466 Energy storage systems for a low carbon future - in need of an integrated approach
Roskilly AP, Taylor PC, Yan J
467 - 481 Feasibility analysis of using abandoned salt caverns for large-scale underground energy storage in China
Yang CH, Wang TT, Li YP, Yang HJ, Li JJ, Qu DA, Xu BC, Yang Y, Daemen JJK
482 - 489 Combining a dynamic battery model with high-resolution smart grid data to assess microgrid islanding lifetime
Fares RL, Webber ME
490 - 500 Regenerative air energy storage for remote wind-diesel micro-grid communities
Manchester SC, Swan LG, Groulx D
501 - 510 Technoeconomic feasibility of grid storage: Mapping electrical services and energy storage technologies
Pearre NS, Swan LG
511 - 536 Overview of current development in electrical energy storage technologies and the application potential in power system operation
Luo X, Wang JH, Dooner M, Clarke J
537 - 544 Monitoring innovation in electrochemical energy storage technologies: A patent-based approach
Mueller SC, Sandner PG, Welpe IM
545 - 553 Review of energy storage system for wind power integration support
Zhao HR, Wu QW, Hu SJ, Xu HH, Rasmussen CN
554 - 566 A MILP model for optimising multi-service portfolios of distributed energy storage
Moreno R, Moreira R, Strbac G
567 - 575 Analysis of the maximal possible grid relief from PV-peak-power impacts by using storage systems for increased self-consumption
Moshovel J, Kairies KP, Magnor D, Leuthold M, Bost M, Gahrs S, Szczechowicz E, Cramer M, Sauer DU
576 - 587 Optimum community energy storage system for PV energy time-shift
Parra D, Gillott M, Norman SA, Walker GS
588 - 602 A load predictive energy management system for supercapacitor-battery hybrid energy storage system in solar application using the Support Vector Machine
Chia YY, Lee LH, Shafiabady N, Isa D
603 - 616 Modeling and control of an open accumulator Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) system for wind turbines
Saadat M, Shirazi FA, Li PY
617 - 628 Feasibility study of a hybrid wind turbine system - Integration with compressed air energy storage
Sun H, Luo X, Wang JH
629 - 637 Pumped hydro storage plants with improved operational flexibility using constant speed Francis runners
Beevers D, Branchini L, Orlandini V, De Pascale A, Perez-Blanco H
638 - 648 A long-term analysis of pumped hydro storage to firm wind power
Foley AM, Leahy PG, Li K, McKeogh EJ, Morrison AP
649 - 659 Pumped storage-based standalone photovoltaic power generation system: Modeling and techno-economic optimization
Ma T, Yang HX, Lu L, Peng JQ
660 - 669 Methodology for the economic optimisation of energy storage systems for frequency support in wind power plants
Johnston L, Diaz-Gonzalez F, Gomis-Bellmunt O, Corchero-Garcia C, Cruz-Zambrano M
670 - 676 An ultra-capacitor for frequency stability enhancement in small-isolated power systems: Models, simulation and field tests
Egido I, Sigrist L, Lobato E, Rouco L, Barrado A
677 - 691 Design and analysis of electrical energy storage demonstration projects on UK distribution networks
Lyons PF, Wade NS, Jiang T, Taylor PC, Hashiesh F, Michel M, Miller D
692 - 698 Experimental demonstration and application planning of high temperature superconducting energy storage system for renewable power grids
Zhu JH, Yuan WJ, Qiu M, Wei B, Zhang HJ, Chen PP, Yang YF, Zhang M, Huang XH, Li ZM
699 - 706 Assessing the integration of a thin phase change material (PCM) layer in a residential building wall for heat transfer reduction and management
Lee KO, Medina MA, Raith E, Sun XQ
707 - 715 Maximization of performance of a PCM latent heat storage system with innovative fins
Sciacovelli A, Gagliardi F, Verda V
716 - 725 Temperature-dependent thermal properties of a paraffin phase change material embedded with herringbone style graphite nanofibers
Warzoha RJ, Weigand RM, Fleischer AS
726 - 730 Thermophysical characterization and thermal cycling stability of two TCM: CaCl2 and zeolite
Barreneche C, Fernandez AI, Cabeza LF, Cuypers R
731 - 737 Synthesis, characterization and thermal properties of paraffin microcapsules modified with nano-Al2O3
Jiang X, Luo RL, Peng FF, Fang YT, Akiyama T, Wang SF
738 - 747 Investigation of the effect of dynamic melting in a tube-in-tank PCM system using a CFD model
Tay NHS, Belusko M, Liu M, Bruno F
748 - 757 Effectiveness of direct contact PCM thermal storage with a gas as the heat transfer fluid
Belusko M, Sheoran S, Bruno F
758 - 772 Heat transfer characteristics of a molten-salt thermal energy storage unit with and without heat transfer enhancement
Zhang P, Xiao X, Meng ZN, Li M
773 - 781 Potential of residential buildings as thermal energy storage in district heating systems - Results from a pilot test
Kensby J, Truschel A, Dalenback JO
782 - 792 Modeling of thermal storage systems in MILP distributed energy resource models
Steen D, Stadler M, Cardoso G, Groissbock M, DeForest N, Marnay C
793 - 799 Embodied energy in thermal energy storage (TES) systems for high temperature applications
Miro L, Oro E, Boer D, Cabeza LF
800 - 811 Parametric studies and optimisation of pumped thermal electricity storage
McTigue JD, White AJ, Markides CN
812 - 822 Design of packed bed thermal energy storage systems for high-temperature industrial process heat
Zanganeh G, Pedretti A, Haselbacher A, Steinfeld A
823 - 831 Stochastic control and real options valuation of thermal storage-enabled demand response from flexible district energy systems
Kitapbayev Y, Moriarty J, Mancarella P
832 - 844 Phase change material thermal storage for biofuel preheating in micro trigeneration application: A numerical study
Wu DW, Chen JL, Roskilly AP
845 - 853 Liquid air energy storage - Analysis and first results from a pilot scale demonstration plant
Morgan R, Nelmes S, Gibson E, Brett G
854 - 866 Multi-apartment residential microgrid with electrical and thermal storage devices: Experimental analysis and simulation of energy management strategies
Comodi G, Giantomassi A, Severini M, Squartini S, Ferracuti F, Fonti A, Cesarini DN, Morodo M, Polonara F
867 - 876 Computational fluid dynamics approach for performance evaluation of a solid oxide electrolysis cell for hydrogen production
Navasa M, Yuan JL, Sunden B
877 - 898 Energy storage for desalination processes powered by renewable energy and waste heat sources
Gude VG
899 - 912 Influence of the vehicle-to-grid strategy on the aging behavior of lithium battery electric vehicles
Marongiu A, Roscher M, Sauer DU
913 - 924 Longevity-conscious dimensioning and power management of the hybrid energy storage system in a fuel cell hybrid electric bus
Hu XS, Johannesson L, Murgovski N, Egardt B
925 - 930 Environmental performance of advanced hybrid energy storage systems for electric vehicle applications
Sanfelix J, Messagie M, Omar N, Van Mierlo J, Hennige V
931 - 937 Modular battery design for reliable, flexible and multi-technology energy storage systems
Rothgang S, Baumhofer T, van Hoek H, Lange T, De Doncker RW, Sauer DU