359 - 361 |
Comments on'Gas Permeability of Fractured Sandstone/Coal Samples Under Variable Confining Pressure', Transport in Porous Media 83:333-347, 2010 Cook FJ |
363 - 381 |
Pore Characterization Methodology by Means of Capillary Sorption Tests Navas J, Alcantara R, Fernandez-Lorenzo C, Martin-Calleja J |
383 - 413 |
Modified Particle Detachment Model for Colloidal Transport in Porous Media Bedrikovetsky P, Siqueira FD, Furtado CA, Souza ALS |
415 - 444 |
Determining Spatial Distributions of Permeability Uh J, Watson AT |
445 - 464 |
Monte Carlo Simulation and Well Testing Applied in Evaluating Reservoir Properties in a Deforming Longwall Overburden Karacan CO, Goodman GVR |
465 - 489 |
The Onset of Double Diffusive Convection in a Couple Stress Fluid Saturated Anisotropic Porous Layer Malashetty MS, Kollur P |
491 - 504 |
Numerical Analysis of Foam Motion in Porous Media Using a New Stochastic Bubble Population Model Du DX, Zitha PLJ, Vermolen FJ |
505 - 508 |
On the Loss of Injectant and Apparent Dispersivity in Single-Well Push-Pull Tests Influenced by Natural Drift Johnsen SG, Whitson CH |
509 - 512 |
Capillary Tube Models with Interaction Between the Tubes [A Note on "Immiscible Displacement in the Interacting Capillary Bundle Model Part I. Development of Interacting Capillary Bundle Model", by Dong, M., Dullien, FAL, Dai, L. and Li, D., 2005, Transport Porous Media] Ruth D, Bartley J |
513 - 520 |
Determine Level of Thief Zone Using Fuzzy ISODATA Clustering Method Wang SL, Jiang HQ |
521 - 524 |
Response to "Comments on'Gas Permeability of Fractured Sandstone/Coal Samples under Variable Confining Pressure', Transport in Porous Media 83:333-347,2010" Liu WQ |
525 - 545 |
Microtomography and Pore-Scale Modeling of Two-Phase Fluid Distribution Silin D, Tomutsa L, Benson SM, Patzek TW |
547 - 566 |
Mixed Convection Boundary Layer Flow from a Horizontal Circular Cylinder Embedded in a Porous Medium Filled with a Nanofluid Nazar R, Tham L, Pop I, Ingham DB |
567 - 587 |
Linear Elastic Wave Propagation in Unsaturated Sands, Silts, Loams and Clays Albers B |
589 - 608 |
Nonlinear Electrohydrodynamic Stability of Two Superposed Streaming Finite Dielectric Fluids in Porous Medium with Interfacial Surface Charges El-Sayed MF, Moatimid GM, Metwaly TMN |
609 - 614 |
Note on the Heat Transfer of Flows over a Stretching Wall in Porous Media: Exact Solutions Fang TG, Zhang J |
615 - 630 |
Numerical Simulation of Natural Convection in Wavy Porous Cavities Under the Influence of Thermal Radiation Using a Thermal Non-equilibrium Model Mansour MA, El-Aziz MMA, Mohamed RA, Ahmed SE |
631 - 646 |
Microscale Visual Study of End Effects at Permeability Discontinuities Dawe RA, Caruana A, Grattoni CA |
647 - 664 |
High Resolution Imaging of Unstable, Forced Imbibition in Berea Sandstone Tang GQ, Kovscek AR |
665 - 692 |
Deformation and Flow Driven by Osmotic Processes in Porous Materials: Application to Bituminised Waste Materials Mokni N, Olivella S, Valcke E, Marien A, Smets S, Li X |