1 - 23 |
Prediction of Transport Properties of Deformed Natural Fracture Through Micro-scale Hydro-mechanical Modeling Raziperchikolaee S, Alvarado V, Yin S |
25 - 41 |
Vascular Structure Design of an Artificial Tree for Microbial Cell Cultivation and Biofuel Production Murphy TE, Fleming E, Berberoglu H |
43 - 56 |
Flow-Induced Deformations Within Random Packed Beds of Spheres Frishfelds V, Hellstrom JGI, Lundstrom TS |
57 - 76 |
Miscible Displacements in Porous Media with Time-Dependent Injection Velocities Yuan Q, Azaiez J |
77 - 90 |
Determination of Chlorinated Solvent Sorption by Porous Material-Application to Trichloroethene Vapor on Cement Mortar Musielak M, Brusseau ML, Marcoux M, Morrison C, Quintard M |
91 - 107 |
Computation of Relative Permeability from Imaged Fluid Distributions at the Pore Scale Hussain F, Pinczewski WV, Cinar Y, Arns JY, Arns CH, Turner ML |
109 - 131 |
Miscible and Immiscible Foam Injection for Mobility Control and EOR in Fractured Oil-Wet Carbonate Rocks Haugen A, Mani N, Svenningsen S, Brattekas B, Graue A, Ersland G, Ferno MA |
133 - 144 |
Identification of Molecular Transport Mechanisms in Micro-Porous Hydrotalcite-Silica Membrane Wiheeb AD, Ahmad MA, Murat MN, Kim J, Othman MR |
145 - 159 |
An Orthorhombic Lattice Boltzmann Model for Pore-Scale Simulation of Fluid Flow in Porous Media Jiang BL, Zhang XX |
161 - 179 |
A Study of the Time Constant in Unsteady Porous Media Flow Using Direct Numerical Simulation Zhu T, Waluga C, Wohlmuth B, Manhart M |
181 - 203 |
Effects of Anisotropy and Drying Air Parameters on Drying of Deformable Porous Media Hydro-Dynamically and Thermally Anisotropic El Abrach H, Dhahri H, Mhimid A |
205 - 229 |
Elucidating the Role of Interfacial Tension for Hydrological Properties of Two-Phase Flow in Natural Sandstone by an Improved Lattice Boltzmann Method Jiang F, Tsuji T, Hu CH |
231 - 251 |
Spontaneous Inertial Imbibition in Porous Media Using a Fractal Representation of Pore Wall Rugosity Liu GD, Zhang MY, Ridgway C, Gane P |