1 - 7 |
Structure of Water and Electrolyte Near an Electrode Vossen M, Forstmann F, Kramer A |
9 - 16 |
The Capacity of the Hg/HClO4-Center-Dot-5.5H(2)O Interface in the Liquid-Liquid, Solid-Liquid and Solid-Solid State - Temperature and Potential Dependence Cappadonia M, Vonderheyden HT, Stimming U |
17 - 25 |
Ceramic Solid Electrolytes Goodenough JB |
27 - 33 |
Ion-Transport in Fast-Ion Conductors - Spectra and Models Funke K |
35 - 47 |
Electrochemistry of Liquids vs Solids - Polymer Electrolytes Baril D, Michot C, Armand M |
49 - 54 |
Ion-Transport in Glassy Electrolytes Ingram MD, Robertson AH |
55 - 62 |
Fast Proton Conductivity - A Phenomenon Between the Solid and the Liquid-State Kreuer KD |
63 - 74 |
Semiconduction and Mixed Ionic-Electronic Conduction in Nonstoichiometric Oxides - Impact and Control Tuller HL |
75 - 83 |
Stability and Mixed Ionic Electronic Conduction in Gd-2(Ti1-Xmox)(2)O-7 Under Anodic Conditions Porat O, Heremans C, Tuller HL |
85 - 90 |
Chemical Diffusion in Mixed Conductors - Alpha’-Ag-2 Te and Beta-Ag2Se Sitte W |
91 - 98 |
The Metal-Liquid Electrolyte Interface Parsons R |
99 - 114 |
Reconstruction Phenomena at Gold/Electrolyte Interfaces - An in-Situ STM Study of Au(100) Dakkouri AS |
115 - 121 |
Model Systems in Electrocatalysis - Electronic and Structural Characterization of Vapor-Deposited Platinum on the Basal-Plane of Highly Oriented Pyrolytic-Graphite Howells A, Harris T, Sashikata K, Chottiner GS, Scherson DA |
123 - 129 |
Capacitance Dispersion on Solid Electrodes - Anion Adsorption Studies on Gold Single-Crystal Electrodes Pajkossy T |
131 - 140 |
Surface-Chemistry and Charge-Transfer Kinetics at Semiconductor-Liquid Interfaces Memming R |
141 - 150 |
Defining the Passive State Sikora E, Macdonald DD |
151 - 160 |
Mobile Species Populations and Viscoelastic Effects in Electroactive Polymer-Films Hillman AR |
161 - 164 |
Surface-Tension Effects in Tunneling Microscopy Conroy JF, Brucknerlea C, Janata J |
165 - 170 |
The Role of Solvation, Complementary to Electronic Effects, in Specific Adsorption of Ions at Electrodes Conway BE |
171 - 179 |
Oxide Formation on Au(111) - An in-Situ STM Study Schneeweiss MA, Kolb DM |
181 - 187 |
The Double-Layer Structure at the Metal-Solid Electrolyte Interface Armstrong RD, Horrocks BR |
189 - 198 |
Charge-Transport and Chemical Diffusion Involving Boundaries Jamnik J, Maier J |
199 - 207 |
Rough Electrodes in Solid and Liquid Electrochemistry - Impact of Morphology on the Impedance Fleig J, Maier J |
209 - 215 |
Nernstian and Non-Nernstian Potentiometry Janata J, Josowicz M |
217 - 225 |
Potentiometric Detection of Complex Gases - Application to CO2 Holzinger M, Maier J, Sitte W |
227 - 238 |
The Intercalation and Hydrothermal Chemistry of Solid Electrodes Whittingham MS, Chen R, Chirayil T, Zavalij P |
239 - 248 |
Behavior of Porous Cathodes in High-Temperature Fuel-Cells Steele BC |
249 - 257 |
Interfacial Aspects in the Development of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel-Cells Scherer GG |
259 - 265 |
Electrochemical Filters Ramanarayanan TA, Ling S, Mumford JD, Ozekcin A, Pareek VK |
267 - 277 |
Electrochemical Promotion Vayenas CG, Bebelis SI |
Electrochemistry - Solid vs Liquid-State - Papers from the International Workshop Held at Schloss-Ringberg, March 4-8, 1996 - Preface Kolb DM, Maier J |