A key component of gene expression, revealed Wan RX |
The ecology of an olfactory trap Savoca M |
Paring down to the essentials Wang T |
871 - 871 |
Fixing the internet Zittrain J |
872 - 872 |
Old drug, new hope for sleeping sickness Servick K |
872 - 872 |
India plans Venus mission [Anonymous] |
872 - 873 |
NFL funds brain research [Anonymous] |
872 - 872 |
NSF lifts one-proposal rule [Anonymous] |
873 - 873 |
A Wright Flyer for the 21st century [Anonymous] |
873 - 873 |
Taiwan reef under threat [Anonymous] |
873 - 873 |
Ocean warming estimate revised [Anonymous] |
873 - 873 |
Authors open up-slowly [Anonymous] |
874 - 875 |
Luxe research ship to explore the deep ocean Stokstad E |
875 - 876 |
SPACE NASA to pay private space companies for moon rides Voosen P |
877 - 877 |
SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY Artificial cells gain communication skills Leslie M |
878 - 878 |
HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS Asia set to take center stage in Higgs studies Normile D |
879 - 879 |
PALEONTOLOGY Giant mammal cousin rivaled early dinosaurs Vogel G |
880 - 884 |
886 - 886 |
Relate to health and safety Ellwanger JH |
886 - 886 |
Nurturing connections to the environment Pietrzak B, Sharma V, Wasalathanthri D, Ellwanger JH |
886 - 886 |
Engage educators and the media Sharma V |
886 - 886 |
Relate to health and safety Wasalathanthri D |
887 - 887 |
Inspire with stories and imagery Agarwal D |
887 - 887 |
Inspire with stories and imagery Beardsley FR |
887 - 887 |
Inspire with stories and imagery Buschke F |
887 - 888 |
Inspire with stories and imagery Easun TL |
887 - 887 |
Inspire with stories and imagery Jensen MM |
887 - 887 |
Inspire with stories and imagery Sanganyado E, Buschke F, Beardsley FR, Agarwal D, Jensen MM |
888 - 888 |
Support accountability Zhou KL |
888 - 888 |
Engage educators and the media Yoho R |
888 - 888 |
Engage educators and the media Winter M |
888 - 888 |
Identify systemic barriers MacKay H |
888 - 888 |
Support accountability Lin H |
888 - 888 |
Identify systemic barriers Jordan EJ |
888 - 888 |
Engage educators and the media Coffey E |
888 - 888 |
Untitled Oda FS |
889 - 890 |
How behavioral science can help conservation Cinner J |
891 - 892 |
Cellular networks in wound healing Willenborg S, Eming SA |
892 - 893 |
The decline of Africa's largest mammals Bobe R, Carvalho S |
893 - 894 |
The paradox of mutations and cancer Chanock SJ |
895 - 896 |
Changing concepts in hematopoietic stem cells Yamamoto R, Wilkinson AC, Nakauchi H |
897 - 897 |
Thomas A. Steitz (1940-2018) Ramakrishnan V, Henderson R |
898 - 900 |
Is it time for a universal genetic forensic database? Hazel JW, Clayton EW, Malin BA, Slobogin C |
901 - 901 |
Gene Machine The Race to Decipher the Secrets of the Ribosome Wilson DN |
902 - 902 |
In Search of the Canary Tree The Story of a Scientist, a Cypress, and a Changing World Boon S |
903 - 904 |
Microbiome dynamics in obesity Thaiss CA |
908 - + |
Intensification for redesigned and sustainable agricultural systems Pretty J |
909 - + |
Myofibroblast proliferation and heterogeneity are supported by macrophages during skin repair Shook BA, Wasko RR, Rivera-Gonzalez GC, Salazar-Gatzimas E, Lopez-Giraldez F, Dash BC, Munoz-Rojas AR, Aultman KD, Zwick RK, Lei V, Arbiser JL, Miller-Jensen K, Clark DA, Hsia HC, Horsley V |
910 - + |
Maternal Huluwa dictates the embryonic body axis through beta-catenin in vertebrates Yan L, Chen J, Zhu XC, Sun JW, Wu XT, Shen WM, Zhang WY, Tao QH, Meng AM |
911 - + |
Somatic mutant clones colonize the human esophagus with age Martincorena I, Fowler JC, Wabik A, Lawson ARJ, Abascal F, Hall MWJ, Cagan A, Murai K, Mahbubani K, Stratton MR, Fitzgerald RC, Handford PA, Campbell PJ, Saeb-Parsy K, Jones PH |
918 - + |
Neutral mass spectrometry of virus capsids above 100 megadaltons with nanomechanical resonators Dominguez-Medina S, Fostner S, Defoort M, Sansa M, Stark AK, Halim MA, Vernhes E, Gely M, Jourdan G, Alava T, Boulanger P, Masselon C, Hentz S |
922 - + |
Gate-induced superconductivity in a monolayer topological insulator Sajadi E, Palomaki T, Fei ZY, Zhao WJ, Bement P, Olsen C, Luescher S, Xu XD, Folk JA, Cobden DH |
926 - + |
Electrically tunable low-density superconductivity in a monolayer topological insulator Fatemi V, Wu SF, Cao Y, Bretheau L, Gibson QD, Watanabe K, Taniguchi T, Cava RJ, Jarillo-Herrero P |
929 - + |
Observation of the topological Anderson insulator in disordered atomic wires Meier EJ, An FA, Dauphin A, Maffei M, Massignan P, Hughes TL, Gadway B |
933 - + |
Multicomponent intermetallic nanoparticles and superb mechanical behaviors of complex alloys Yang T, Zhao YL, Tong Y, Jiao ZB, Wei J, Cai JX, Han XD, Chen D, Hu A, Kai JJ, Lu K, Liu Y, Liu CT |
938 - + |
Plio-Pleistocene decline of African megaherbivores: No evidence for ancient hominin impacts Faith JT, Rowan J, Du A, Koch PL |
941 - + |
Social network plasticity decreases disease transmission in a eusocial insect Stroeymeyt N, Grasse AV, Crespi A, Mersch DP, Cremer S, Keller L |
945 - + |
Egocentric coding of external items in the lateral entorhinal cortex Wang C, Chen XJ, Lee H, Deshmukh SS, Yoganarasimha D, Savelli F, Knierim JJ |
949 - + |
Molecular to organismal chirality is induced by the conserved myosin 1D Lebreton G, Geminard C, Lapraz F, Pyrpassopoulos S, Cerezo D, Speder P, Ostap EM, Noselli S |
952 - + |
Structural basis of latent TGF-beta 1 presentation and activation by GARP on human regulatory T cells Lienart S, Merceron R, Vanderaa C, Lambert F, Colau D, Stockis J, van der Woning B, De Haard H, Saunders M, Coulie PG, Savvides SN, Lucas S |
956 - + |
ESCRT-dependent membrane repair negatively regulates pyroptosis downstream of GSDMD activation Ruhl S, Shkarina K, Demarco B, Heilig R, Santos JC, Broz P |
966 - 966 |
Finding my inner Wonder Woman Coelho CH |