- - - |
Why the seahorse tail is square Porter MM, Adriaens D, Hatton RL, Meyers MA, McKittrick J |
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Contrasting futures for ocean and society from different anthropogenic CO2 emissions scenarios Gattuso JP, Magnan A, Bille R, Cheung WWL, Howes EL, Joos F, Allemand D, Bopp L, Cooley SR, Eakin CM, Hoegh-Guldberg O, Kelly RP, Portner HO, Rogers AD, Baxter JM, Laffoley D, Osborn D, Rankovic A, Rochette J, Sumaila UR, Treyer S, Turley C |
7 - 7 |
The beyond-two-degree inferno McNutt M |
8 - 9 |
Supreme Court axes mercury regs [Anonymous] |
8 - 8 |
AROUND THE WORLD Ebola back in Liberia [Anonymous] |
8 - 8 |
Protesters arrested trying to halt telescope's construction [Anonymous] |
8 - 8 |
Conflict of interest overhaul [Anonymous] |
9 - 9 |
Acidification hurts freshwater fish [Anonymous] |
9 - 10 |
Bill would limit embryo editing [Anonymous] |
10 - 10 |
FINDINGS Ancient bobcat had human burial [Anonymous] |
10 - 10 |
Still looking for Amelia [Anonymous] |
10 - 10 |
Dutch court orders government to cut more CO2 [Anonymous] |
11 - 12 |
ARCHAEOLOGY Development threatens home of early humans Balter M |
12 - 13 |
BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH Spending bills put NIH on track for biggest raise in 12 years Kaiser J |
13 - 14 |
Geologist reflects on life behind bars in China Matacic C, Feng X |
14 - 15 |
ASTRONOMY Small scopes log an ever-changing sky Clery D |
16 - 16 |
PUBLIC ATTITUDES Politics doesn't always rule Mervis J |
17 - 17 |
INFLUENZA Narcolepsy link to pandemic flu vaccine becomes clearer Vogel G |
18 - 20 |
21 - 23 |
24 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Sills J |
25 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Stewart MP |
25 - 26 |
Postdocs reimagined Gopinath SD |
25 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Zupanc J |
25 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Persson MV |
25 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Mainou BA |
25 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Elsanadidy E |
25 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Dinkins C |
25 - 25 |
Postdocs reimagined Bambach N |
26 - 26 |
Postdocs reimagined Bilicki M |
26 - 26 |
Postdocs reimagined Bottger M |
26 - 26 |
Postdocs reimagined Govindaraghavan M |
26 - 26 |
Postdocs reimagined Neef L |
26 - 26 |
Postdocs reimagined Ryan T |
26 - 26 |
Postdocs reimagined Schwartz K |
26 - 27 |
Postdocs reimagined Ruy N |
27 - 27 |
Postdocs reimagined Mitchell M |
27 - 27 |
Postdocs reimagined Cao B |
27 - 27 |
Untitled Charan K |
27 - 27 |
Postdocs reimagined Fischer JM |
27 - 27 |
Postdocs reimagined Ma CW |
27 - 27 |
Postdocs reimagined Spear P |
27 - 27 |
Postdocs reimagined Thompson-Peer KL |
28 - 29 |
The flowering of a new scent pathway in rose Tholl D, Gershenzon J |
30 - 31 |
When it's hip to be square Ashley-Ross MA |
31 - 32 |
Knowing when to fold them Striedter GF, Srinivasan S |
32 - 33 |
Landscapes in the lab McCoy SW |
34 - 35 |
Can DNA foil the poachers? Hoelzel AR |
35 - 36 |
It costs more than a nickel Zamble D |
37 - 38 |
Ten things we have to do to achieve precision medicine Kohane IS |
39 - 39 |
Anxious Using the Brain to Understand and Treat Fear and Anxiety Maren S |
40 - 40 |
Flight from Wonder An Investigation of Scientific Creativity Jones BF |
40 - 40 |
The Creativity Crisis Reinventing Science to Unleash Possibility Jones BF |
47 - 50 |
Observation of phononic helical edge states in a mechanical topological insulator Susstrunk R, Huber SD |
51 - 53 |
Experimental evidence for hillslope control of landscape scale Sweeney KE, Roering JJ, Ellis C |
54 - 58 |
Transient laser heating induced hierarchical porous structures from block copolymer-directed self-assembly Tan KW, Jung B, Werner JG, Rhoades ER, Thompson MO, Wiesner U |
58 - 61 |
Gas phase observation and microwave spectroscopic characterization of formic sulfuric anhydride Mackenzie RB, Dewberry CT, Leopold KR |
62 - 66 |
Catalytic asymmetric hydroamination of unactivated internal olefins to aliphatic amines Yang Y, Shi SL, Niu DW, Liu P, Buchwald SL |
66 - 69 |
A tethered niacin-derived pincer complex with a nickel-carbon bond in lactate racemase Desguin B, Zhang T, Soumillion P, Hols P, Hu J, Hausinger RP |
70 - 74 |
Single-cell-initiated monosynaptic tracing reveals layer-specific cortical network modules Wertz A, Trenholm S, Yonehara K, Hillier D, Raics Z, Leinweber M, Szalay G, Ghanem A, Keller G, Rozsa B, Conzelmann KK, Roska B |
74 - 77 |
Cortical folding scales universally with surface area and thickness, not number of neurons Mota B, Herculano-Houzel S |
78 - 80 |
Shape-selective zeolite catalysis for bioplastics production Dusselier M, Van Wouwe P, Dewaele A, Jacobs PA, Sels BF |
81 - 83 |
Biosynthesis of monoterpene scent compounds in roses Magnard JL, Roccia A, Caissard JC, Vergne P, Sun PL, Hecquet R, Dubois A, Hibrand-Saint Oyant L, Jullien F, Nicole F, Raymond O, Huguet S, Baltenweck R, Meyer S, Claudel P, Jeauffre J, Rohmer M, Foucher F, Hugueney P, Bendahmane M, Baudino S |
84 - 87 |
Genetic assignment of large seizures of elephant ivory reveals Africa's major poaching hotspots Wasser SK, Brown L, Mailand C, Mondol S, Clark W, Laurie C, Weir BS |
88 - 91 |
Cryo-EM structure of an antibody that neutralizes dengue virus type 2 by locking E protein dimers Fibriansah G, Ibarra KD, Ng TS, Smith SA, Tan JL, Lim XN, Ooi JSG, Kostyuchenko VA, Wang JQ, de Silva AM, Harris E, Crowe JE, Lok SM |
91 - 95 |
CRL2 aids elimination of truncated selenoproteins produced by failed UGA/Sec decoding Lin HC, Ho SC, Chen YY, Khoo KH, Hsu PH, Yen HCS |
95 - 98 |
Conformational plasticity of a native retroviral capsid revealed by x-ray crystallography Obal G, Trajtenberg F, Carrion F, Tome L, Larrieux N, Zhang X, Pritsch O, Buschiazzo A |
99 - 103 |
X-ray crystal structures of native HIV-1 capsid protein reveal conformational variability Gres AT, Kirby KA, KewalRamani VN, Tanner JJ, Pornillos O, Sarafianos SG |
110 - 110 |
Find your most interesting question Spaldin N |