

Science, Vol.282, No.5396 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0036-8075 (Print) 

In this Issue (52 articles)

1962 - 1963 Embryology - Use of stem cells still legally murky, but hearing offers hope
Marshall E
1963 - 1964 Expert witnesses - Scientific panel clears breast implants
Kaiser J
1965 - 1966 Planetary impacts - Argentina, and perhaps its life, took a hit
Kerr RA
1966 - 1967 Materials science - Insulator's baby steps to superconductivity'
Service RF
1967 - 1968 German research - Extremists steal minister's spotlight
Koenig R
1967 - 1967 Animal experimentation - India backs off on central control
Bagla P
1968 - 1969 Australia - Forest pact bypasses computer model
Finkel E
1969 - 1969 2000 census - Supreme Court gets lesson in enumeration
Kestenbaum D
1969 - 1970 Astronomy - Sky survey racks up record-setting quasars
Glanz J
1971 - 1971 Pediatric vaccines - Gates launches $100 million initiative
Ferber D
1972 - 1974 Worming secrets from C-elegans genome
Pennisi E
1975 - 1976 Animal cloning - Bid for better beef gives Japan a leg up on cattle
Normile D
1976 - 1978 Computer science - From army of hackers, an upstart operating system
Alper J
1979 - 1980 Russian science - New minister sets lofty goals
Stone R
1980 - 1981 Nuclear power - New DOE research program to boost sagging industry
Malakoff D
1985 - 1986 Science and religion : Lessons from history?
Brooke J
1989 - 1989 Staying afloat on the seas of data
Bloom FE
1991 - 1992 Solving the acid rain problem
Likens GE, Weathers KC, Butler TJ, Buso DC
1991 - 1991 Neandertals : Not so fast
Wolpoff MH
1992 - 1993 The context of molecular data
Penney BK
1993 - 1994 The handy-dandy kitchen device
Abramson PR, Pinkerton SD
1993 - 1993 Protein data bank deposits
Sussman JL
1993 - 1993 Icelandic health records
Andersen B
1994 - 1994 The handy-dandy kitchen device - Response
Welch AM, Semlitsch RD, Gerhardt HC
1994 - 1995 Proprioception and the McGurk effect
Moody J
1995 - 1995 Overview and initial results of the very long baseline interferometry space observatory programme (vol 282, pg 1825, 1998)
Hirabayashi H
1997 - 1998 A life of invention
Kevles BH
1998 - 1998 Geons, black holes, and quantum foam - A life in physics
Wilczek F
1999 - 2000 Microbiology - A welcome mat for leprosy and lassa fever
Spear PG
2000 - 2001 Chemistry - A new type of hydrogen bond
Crabtree RH
2001 - 2002 Traffic theory - Jams, waves, and clusters
Helbing D, Treiber M
2003 - 2004 Molecular biology - Nuclear functions charge ahead
Hopper AK
2011 - 2011 C-elegans : Sequence to biology
Hodgkin J, Horvitz HR, Jasny BR, Kimble J
2012 - 2018 Genome sequence of the nematode C-elegans : A platform for investigating biology
2018 - 2022 Zinc fingers in Caenorhabditis elegans : Finding families and probing pathways
Clarke ND, Berg JM
2022 - 2028 Comparison of the complete protein sets of worm and yeast : Orthology and divergence
Chervitz SA, Aravind L, Sherlock G, Ball CA, Koonin EV, Dwight SS, Harris MA, Dolinski K, Mohr S, Smith T, Weng S, Cherry JM, Botstein D
2028 - 2033 Neurobiology of the Caenorhabditis elegans genome
Bargmann CI
2033 - 2041 The taxonomy of developmental control in Caenorhabditis elegans
Ruvkun G, Hobert O
2041 - 2046 Caenorhabditis elegans is a nematode
Blaxter M
2053 - 2060 Observations of the north polar region of Mars from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter
Zuber MT, Smith DE, Solomon SC, Abshire JB, Afzal RS, Aharonson O, Fishbaugh K, Ford PG, Frey HV, Garvin JB, Head JW, Ivanov AB, Johnson CL, Muhleman DO, Neumann GA, Pettengill GH, Phillips RJ, Sun ZL, Zwally HJ, Banerdt WB, Duxbury TC
2061 - 2063 A 3.3-Ma impact in Argentina and possible consequences
Schultz PH, Zarate M, Hames W, Camilion C, King J
2063 - 2067 The dusty atmosphere of the brown dwarf Gliese 229B
Griffith CA, Yelle RV, Marley MS
2067 - 2072 Photoemission evidence for a remnant fermi surface and a d-wave-like dispersion in insulating Ca2CuO2Cl2
Ronning F, Kim C, Feng DL, Marshall DS, Loeser AG, Miller LL, Eckstein JN, Bozovic I, Shen ZX
2072 - 2075 Promotion of trophoblast stem cell proliferation by FGF4
Tanaka S, Kunath T, Hadjantonakis AK, Nagy A, Rossant J
2076 - 2079 Role of alpha-dystroglycan as a Schwann cell receptor for Mycobacterium leprae
Rambukkana A, Yamada H, Zanazzi G, Mathus T, Salzer JL, Yurchenco PD, Campbell KP, Fischetti VA
2079 - 2081 Identification of alpha-dystroglycan as a receptor for lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and lassa fever virus
Cao W, Henry MD, Borrow P, Yamada H, Elder JH, Ravkov EV, Nichol ST, Compans RW, Campbell KP, Oldstone MBA
2082 - 2085 Proofreading and aminoacylation of tRNAs before export from the nucleus
Lund E, Dahlberg JE
2085 - 2088 Defective LPS signaling in C3H/HeJ and C57BL/10ScCr mice : Mutations in Tlr4 gene
Poltorak A, He XL, Smirnova I, Liu MY, Van Huffel C, Du X, Birdwell D, Alejos E, Silva M, Galanos C, Freudenberg M, Ricciardi-Castagnoli P, Layton B, Beutler B
2088 - 2092 Exploiting the basis of proline recognition by SH3 and WW domains : Design of n-substituted inhibitors
Nguyen JT, Turck CW, Cohen FE, Zuckermann RN, Lim WA
2092 - 2095 Defective T cell differentiation in the absence of Jnk1
Dong C, Yang DD, Wysk M, Whitmarsh AJ, Davis RJ, Flavell RA
2095 - 2098 Eight calves cloned from somatic cells of a single adult
Kato Y, Tani T, Sotomaru Y, Kurokawa K, Kato JY, Doguchi H, Yasue H, Tsunoda Y
2098 - 2100 Elevating the vitamin E content of plants through metabolic engineering
Shintani D, DellaPenna D