1616 - 1616 |
Evolutionary biology - DNA suggests cultural traits affect whales' evolution Vogel G |
1617 - 1618 |
Developmental biology - Hairy mice offer hope for baldness remedy Pennisi E |
1617 - 1617 |
Research ethics - Panel tightens rules on mental disorders Marshall E |
1619 - 1620 |
Biotechnology - Improving gene transfer into livestock Moffat AS |
1620 - 1621 |
Nanotechnology - AFMs wield parts for nanoconstruction Service RF |
1621 - 1622 |
Astronomy - Looking south to the early universe Goldsmith D |
1622 - 1622 |
Patent law - High court to review standard for appeal Malakoff D |
1623 - 1623 |
Russian science - Program luring foreign talent gets a boost Stone R |
1623 - 1624 |
AIDS research - Outsmarting HIV drug resistance Balter M |
1625 - 1625 |
Nuclear physics - Experiment stopped after safety concerns Malakoff D |
1626 - 1628 |
Cuba's billion-dollar biotech gamble Kaiser J |
1627 - 1627 |
Embargo impedes scientific headway Kaiser J |
1628 - 1630 |
Circadian rhythms - Clock photoreceptor shared by plants and animals Barinaga M |
1630 - 1631 |
AIDS research - HIV's early home and inner life Balter M |
1631 - 1632 |
Mathematics - From solitaire, a clue to the world of prime numbers Mackenzie D |
1637 - 1638 |
Space - Where now, and why? Shoemaker C |
1641 - 1641 |
Priority setting : Quixotic or essential? Bloom FE |
1643 - 1643 |
Journal publishing Shepherd PT |
1643 - 1644 |
Valuable skills Murphy TJ |
1643 - 1643 |
Journal publishing Lee HK |
1643 - 1643 |
ACS embargo policy Graveline D |
1644 - 1645 |
An early snowball earth? Jenkins GS, Scotese CR |
1644 - 1644 |
Environmental health : Nickel-and-diming it Weiss B |
1645 - 1646 |
An early snowball earth? Response Hoffman PF, Schrag DP, Halverson GP, Kaufman JA |
1646 - 1646 |
Rapid identification of subtype-selective agonists of the somatostatin receptor through combinatorial chemistry (vol 282, pg 737, 1998) Rohrer SP |
1649 - 1650 |
The science and technology - Bereft Department of State Solomon AK |
1650 - 1650 |
Put science and technology back into foreign policy Ratchford JT |
1651 - 1652 |
Black holes and relativistic stars Matzner R |
1652 - 1652 |
Software - Statistics, fast and easy - InStat 3.0 Wass J |
1653 - 1654 |
Botany - The abominable mystery Crepet WL |
1654 - 1657 |
Neuroscience - The when and where of floor plate induction Dodd J, Jessell TM, Placzek M |
1657 - 1658 |
Bose-Einstein condensation - Go forth and multiply Burnett K |
1658 - 1659 |
Population genetics - No need to isolate genetics Soule ME, Mills LS |
1660 - 1663 |
Device physics - Magnetoelectronics Prinz GA |
1664 - 1669 |
In situ measurements of organics, meteoritic material, mercury, and other elements in aerosols at 5 to 19 kilometers Murphy DM, Thomson DS, Mahoney TMJ |
1669 - 1675 |
Structure of a covalently trapped catalytic complex of HIV-I reverse transcriptase : Implications for drug resistance Huang HF, Chopra R, Verdine GL, Harrison SC |
1676 - 1679 |
Anthropogenic influence on the autocorrelation structure of hemispheric-mean temperatures Wigley TML, Smith RL, Santer BD |
1679 - 1682 |
A dielectric omnidirectional reflector Fink Y, Winn JN, Fan SH, Chen CP, Michel J, Joannopoulos JD, Thoms EL |
1683 - 1686 |
Helical polyacetylene synthesized with a chiral nematic reaction field Akagi K, Piao G, Kaneko S, Sakamaki K, Shirakawa H, Kyotani M |
1686 - 1689 |
Macroscopic quantum interference from atomic tunnel arrays Anderson BP, Kasevich MA |
1689 - 1692 |
Viscoelastic flow in the lower crust after the 1992 Landers, Californial earthquake Deng JS, Gurnis M, Kanamori H, Hauksson E |
1692 - 1695 |
In search of the first flower : A Jurassic angiosperm, Archaefructus, from northeast China Sun G, Dilcher DL, Zheng SL, Zhou ZK |
1695 - 1698 |
Tracking the long-term decline and recovery of an isolated population Westemeier RL, Brawn JD, Simpson SA, Esker TL, Jansen RW, Walk JW, Kershner EL, Bouzat JL, Paige KN |
1698 - 1701 |
Arabidopsis NPH1 : A flavoprotein with the properties of a photoreceptor for phototropism Christie JM, Reymond P, Powell GK, Bernasconi P, Raibekas AA, Liscum E, Briggs WR |
1701 - 1704 |
Purification and cloning of a protein kinase that phosphorylates and activates the polo-like kinase Plx1 Qian YW, Erikson E, Maller JL |
1705 - 1708 |
Regulation of nerve growth mediated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors in growth cones Takei K, Shin RM, Inoue T, Kato K, Mikoshiba K |
1708 - 1711 |
Cultural selection and genetic diversity in matrilineal whales Whitehead H |
1711 - 1714 |
Zebrafish hox clusters and vertebrate genome evolution Amores A, Force A, Yan YL, Joly L, Amemiya C, Fritz A, Ho RK, Langeland J, Prince V, Wang YL, Westerfield M, Ekker M, Postlethwait JH |
1714 - 1717 |
Regulation of the proinflammatory effects of Fas ligand (CD95L) Chen JJ, Sun YN, Nabel GJ |
1717 - 1721 |
Identification of two distinct mechanisms of phagocytosis controlled by different Rho GTPases Caron E, Hall A |
1721 - 1724 |
Control of cyclin ubiquitination by CDK-regulated binding of Hct1 to the anaphase promoting complex Zachariae W, Schwab M, Nasmyth K, Seufert W |