459 - 459 |
Cell biology of the cytoskeleton Hurtley SM |
459 - 460 |
Mercury in fish Clarkson T, Cox C, Davidson PW, Myers GJ |
461 - 461 |
Mercury in fish Kawaguchi T |
461 - 462 |
Frog deformities Sessions SK |
462 - 463 |
Nuclear research at Duke Tornow W, DeBraeckeleer L, Howell CR, Roberson NR, Walter RL, Weller HR |
462 - 462 |
Royalties or research funds? Hook EB |
462 - 462 |
Drugs for the Third World Erill S |
463 - 464 |
Presenilin interactions and Alzheimer's disease Kosik KS |
464 - 465 |
Presenilin interactions and Alzheimer's disease - Response Tanzi RE, Finch CE |
470 - 471 |
Green light for long-awaited facility Lawler A |
471 - 471 |
An accelerator to boost neutron science Glanz J |
472 - 472 |
Food safety - UK cooks up food standards agency Williams N |
472 - 472 |
Science and commerce - 'Fountain of youth' lifts biotech stock Service RF |
473 - 474 |
Scientific misconduct - Medline searches turn up cases of suspected plagiarism Marshall E |
474 - 474 |
The Internet : A powerful tool for plagiarism sleuths Marshall E |
475 - 475 |
Cancer - Study suggests new way to gauge prostate cancer risk Barinaga M |
476 - 476 |
History of science - Bose credited with key role in Marconi's radio breakthrough Mervis J, Bagla P |
477 - 478 |
Cell division gatekeepers identified Pennisi E |
479 - 480 |
Chemistry - Mimicking an enzyme in look and deed Service RF |
479 - 479 |
Astronomy - Did galaxies bloom in clumps? Schilling G |
480 - 480 |
Archaeology - Irish bridge sheds light on Dark Ages Duke S |
481 - 482 |
Neurobiology - Getting a handle on the molecules that guide axons Strauss E |
483 - 484 |
Meeting briefs - The Mediterranean beckons to Europe's oceanographers Williams N |
484 - 484 |
Microelectronics - The transistor with a heart of gold Hellemans A |
491 - 497 |
Entering the century of the environment : A new social contract for science Lubchenco J |
498 - 499 |
Policy : Biomedicine - Partnership between south and north crystallizes around malaria Mons B, Klasen E, van Kessel R, Nchinda T |
500 - 501 |
Endless frontier. Vannevar Bush, engineer of the American century Aspray W |
501 - 501 |
On the surface of things. Images of the extraordinary in science Kelner KL |
502 - 503 |
Research : Ecology - Ecological science and statistical paradigms : At the threshold Maurer BA |
503 - 504 |
Surface chemistry - Direct imaging of adsorbates and precursors on surfaces King DA |
505 - 506 |
Evolution - The coming of age of molecular systematics Maley LE, Marshall CR |
506 - 507 |
Chemistry - Fixing nitrogen any which way Leigh GJ |
509 - 514 |
Rho GTPases and the actin cytoskeleton Hall A |
514 - 519 |
A structural scaffolding of intermediate filaments in health and disease Fuchs E, Cleveland DW |
519 - 526 |
Kinesin and dynein superfamily proteins and the mechanism of organelle transport Hirokawa N |
527 - 533 |
Unconventional myosins in cell movement, membrane traffic, and signal transduction Mermall V, Post PL, Mooseker MS |
534 - 537 |
True polar wander as a mechanism for second-order sea-level variations Mound JE, Mitrovica JX |
537 - 540 |
Catalytic galactose oxidase models : Biomimetic Cu(II)-phenoxyl-radical reactivity Wang YD, DuBois JL, Hedman B, Hodgson KO, Stack TDP |
540 - 542 |
Bimetallic system for nitrogen fixation : Ruthenium-assisted protonation of coordinated N-2 on tungsten with H-2 Nishibayashi Y, Iwai S, Hidai M |
542 - 544 |
Isolation of an intrinsic precursor to molecular chemisorption Brown DE, Moffatt DJ, Wolkow RA |
545 - 548 |
Dangling bond dynamics on the silicon (100)-2x1 surface : Dissociation, diffusion, and recombination McEllistrem M, Allgeier M, Boland JJ |
548 - 552 |
Triblock copolymer syntheses of mesoporous silica with periodic 50 to 300 angstrom pores Zhao DY, Feng JL, Huo QS, Melosh N, Fredrickson GH, Chmelka BF, Stucky GD |
553 - 555 |
Transform-limited, narrow-linewidth lasing action in organic semiconductor microcavities Bulovic V, Kozlov VG, Khalfin VB, Forrest SR |
555 - 558 |
Accelerating invasion rate in a highly invaded estuary Cohen AN, Carlton JT |
558 - 560 |
Role of substrates and products of PI3-kinase in regulating activation of Rac-related guanosine triphosphatases by Vav Han JW, Luby-Phelps K, Das B, Shu XD, Xia Y, Mosteller RD, Krishna UM, Falck JR, White MA, Broek D |
560 - 563 |
Coupling of Ras and Rac guanosine triphosphatases through the Ras exchanger Sos Nimnual AS, Yatsula BA, Bar-Sagi D |
563 - 566 |
Plasma insulin-like growth factor I and prostate cancer risk : A prospective study Chan JM, Stampfer MJ, Giovannucci E, Gann PH, Ma J, Wilkinson P, Hennekens CH, Pollak M |
566 - 570 |
The role of visual experience in the development of columns in cat visual cortex Crair MC, Gillespie DC, Stryker MP |
570 - 573 |
Inhibitory cerebello-olivary projections and blocking effect in classical conditioning Kim JJ, Krupa DJ, Thompson RF |
573 - 577 |
Role of dynamin in the formation of transport vesicles from the trans-Golgi network Jones SM, Howell KE, Henley JR, Cao H, McNiven MA |
577 - 580 |
Gain-of-function mutations of c-kit in human gastrointestinal stromal tumors Hirota S, Isozaki K, Moriyama Y, Hashimoto K, Nishida T, Ishiguro S, Kawano K, Hanada M, Kurata A, Takeda M, Tunio GM, Matsuzawa Y, Kanakura Y, Shinomura Y, Kitamura Y |
580 - 585 |
Interaction of a Golgi-associated kinesin-like protein with Rab6 Echard A, Jollivet F, Martinez O, Lacapere JJ, Rousselet A, Janoueix-Lerosey I, Goud B |