1381 - 1381 |
Poets, Painters, and the Future of Science Emmert MA |
1383 - 1384 |
Twin Studies, Heritability, and Intelligence Feldman MW, Otto SP |
1384 - 1385 |
Twin Studies, Heritability, and Intelligence Greenspan SI |
1385 - 1386 |
Twin Studies, Heritability, and Intelligence Falek A, Jarvik LF |
1385 - 1385 |
Twin Studies, Heritability, and Intelligence Kamin LJ |
1386 - 1387 |
Twin Studies, Heritability, and Intelligence - Response Mcclearn GE, Ahern F, Johansson B, Berg S, Pedersen NL, Petrill SA, Plomin R |
1390 - 1392 |
Easing the Squeeze on Research-and-Development Lawler A |
1391 - 1391 |
NASA Faces Billion-Dollar Problem Lawler A |
1392 - 1392 |
Databases - Radius Draws a Bead on Us Research-and-Development Mervis J |
1393 - 1394 |
Malaria - Consensus on African Research Projects Williams N |
1393 - 1393 |
Free-Electron Laser - Physicist Sues Duke over Control of Lab Marshall E |
1394 - 1394 |
Energy Research - Laser-Fusion Hot-Spot to Migrate East Weiss P |
1395 - 1395 |
New Chief to Go After Industrial Funding Redfearn J |
1395 - 1395 |
International Collaboration - Esf Hopes to Be Voice of European Science Redfearn J |
1396 - 1396 |
A Limited Universe of Solutions Mackenzie D |
1396 - 1396 |
Mathematics - Number Theorists Embark on a New Treasure Hunt Mackenzie D |
1397 - 1399 |
A Womb with a View Roush W |
1398 - 1398 |
Information Displays Go 3D Roush W |
1399 - 1400 |
Meeting Briefs - How Does HIV Overcome the Body T-Cell Bodyguards Balter M |
1401 - 1402 |
Paleontology - Will Fossil from Down-Under Upend Mammal Evolution Wuethrich B |
1402 - 1402 |
Cosmology - Clusters Point to Never-Ending Universe Watson A |
1403 - 1403 |
Evolution - Lifes Winners Keep Their Poise in Tough Times Kerr RA |
1404 - 1404 |
Meeting Briefs - The Big Easy Serves Up a Feast to Visiting Neuroscientists - Rat Model for Gulf-War Syndrome Wickelgren I |
1404 - 1405 |
Meeting Briefs - The Big Easy Serves Lip a Feast to Visiting Neuroscientists - Protective Role for Prion Protein Barinaga M |
1405 - 1405 |
Meeting Briefs - The Big Easy Serves Up a Feast to Visiting Neuroscientists - Heat-Shock-Protein Linked to Stroke Protection Wickelgren I |
1409 - 1410 |
Buffon - A Life in Natural-History, by J. Roger Taylor KL |
1411 - 1411 |
Carbon-Dioxide and Vegetation Farquhar GD |
1412 - 1413 |
Quantum Magnetism and Its Many Avatars Chakravarty S |
1413 - 1414 |
Methane - Small-Molecule, Big Impact Ferry JG |
1414 - 1415 |
Marine Managers Look Upstream for Connections Ogden JC |
1416 - 1417 |
Uncertainties in Projections of Human-Caused Climate Warming Mahlman JD |
1419 - 1422 |
Colliding Beam Fusion-Reactor Rostoker N, Binderbauer MW, Monkhorst HJ |
1422 - 1426 |
Impact of Lower Atmospheric Carbon-Dioxide on Tropical Mountain Ecosystems Streetperrott FA, Huang YS, Perrott RA, Eglinton G, Barker P, Benkhelifa L, Harkness DD, Olago DO |
1427 - 1432 |
Evolution of Magnetic and Superconducting Fluctuations with Doping of High-T-C Superconductors Blumberg G, Kang MS, Klein MV, Kadowaki K, Kendziora C |
1432 - 1435 |
Nearly Singular Magnetic Fluctuations in the Normal-State of a High-T-C Cuprate Superconductor Aeppli G, Mason TE, Hayden SM, Mook HA, Kulda J |
1435 - 1438 |
Direct Measurement of the Current-Phase Relation of a Superfluid He-3-B Weak-Link Backhaus S, Pereverzev SV, Loshak A, Davis JC, Packard RE |
1438 - 1442 |
A Tribosphenic Mammal from the Mesozoic of Australia Rich TH, Vickersrich P, Constantine A, Flannery TF, Kool L, Vanklaveren N |
1442 - 1444 |
Contribution of Stream Channel Erosion to Sediment Yield from an Urbanizing Watershed Trimble SW |
1444 - 1447 |
Adatom Pairing Structures for Ge on Si(100) - The Initial-Stage of Island Formation Qin XR, Lagally MG |
1447 - 1450 |
Vigorous HIV-1-Specific CD4(+) T-Cell Responses Associated with Control of Viremia Rosenberg ES, Billingsley JM, Caliendo AM, Boswell SL, Sax PE, Kalams SA, Walker BD |
1451 - 1454 |
Insolation Cycles as a Major Control Equatorial Indian-Ocean Primary Production Beaufort L, Lancelot Y, Camberlin P, Cayre O, Vincent E, Bassinot F, Labeyrie L |
1454 - 1457 |
Connectivity and Management of Caribbean Coral-Reefs Roberts CM |
1457 - 1462 |
Crystal-Structure of Methyl Coenzyme M-Reductase - The Key Enzyme of Biological Methane Formation Ermler U, Grabarse W, Shima S, Goubeaud M, Thauer RK |
1462 - 1464 |
Targeting of HIV-Infected and SIV-Infected Cells by CD4-Chemokine Receptor Pseudotypes Endres MJ, Jaffer S, Haggarty B, Turner JD, Doranz BJ, Obrien PJ, Kolson DL, Hoxie JA |
1464 - 1466 |
Inhibition of Invasion of Epithelial-Cells by Tiam1-Rac Signaling Hordijk PL, Tenklooster JP, Vanderkammen RA, Michiels F, Oomen LC, Collard JG |
1467 - 1470 |
SEC-Independent Protein Translocation by the Maize Hcf106 Protein Settles AM, Yonetani A, Baron A, Bush DR, Cline K, Martienssen R |
1470 - 1473 |
CD4-Independent Binding of SIV gp120 to Rhesus Ccr5 Martin KA, Wyatt R, Farzan M, Choe H, Marcon L, Desjardins E, Robinson J, Sodroski J, Gerard C, Gerard NP |
1474 - 1475 |
Shock Wave-Induced Melting in Argon by Atomistic Simulation Dubrovinsky LS |
1475 - 1476 |
Shock Wave-Induced Melting in Argon by Atomistic Simulation - Response Belonoshko AB |
1476 - 1478 |
Intertropical Latitudes and Precessional and Half-Precessional Cycles Berger A, Loutre MF |
1478 - 1478 |
Intertropical Latitudes and Precessional and Half-Precessional Cycles - Response Mcintyre A |
1481 - 1481 |
Cell Sampling - Laser Capture Microdissection - Molecular Analysis of Tissue Bonner RF, Emmertbuck M, Cole K, Pohida T, Chuaqui R, Goldstein S, Liotta LA |
1484 - 1485 |
Aromatic Probes Peters R, Sikorski R |
1485 - 1486 |
Lighting Rods Sikorski R, Peters R |
1486 - 1486 |
Internet Photoshopping Sikorski R, Peters R |
1486 - 1487 |
Cookie Monster Peters R, Sikorski R |