1213 - 1213 |
Bureaucrats Save Lives Fink GR |
1215 - 1216 |
Lioness Leadership - Reply Packer C, Heinsohn R |
1215 - 1215 |
Lioness Leadership Jahn GC |
1216 - 1218 |
Treatment of Chronic Lyme-Disease Steere AC |
1218 - 1219 |
Effective Us Science Continued - Reply Pielke RA, Byerly R |
1218 - 1218 |
Effective Us Science Continued Geiger R |
1222 - 1222 |
Nae Council Chair to Change Hands Lawler A |
1222 - 1223 |
Leadership Crisis Rocks Academy Lawler A |
1223 - 1223 |
Space Science - Fate of Tether Hangs by a Thread Lawler A |
1224 - 1225 |
National-Cancer-Institute - Klausners Unconventional Field Station in Seattle Marshall E |
1225 - 1226 |
Science Interview - Shalala,Donna - Leaving Footprints at HHS Marshall E, Shalala D |
1227 - 1227 |
While Gore Tries a Bully Pulpit Cohen J |
1227 - 1228 |
AIDS Research - Vaccine Drought Spurs Niaid Plan to Improve Industry Ties Cohen J |
1228 - 1228 |
Regulatory Agencies - FDA Reform Starts Down the Track Kaiser J |
1229 - 1230 |
Is Hippocampal Cell-Death a Myth Wickelgren I |
1230 - 1230 |
Microelectronics - Isotope Switch Toughens Transistors Glanz J |
1231 - 1231 |
Solar Physics - Dim Corona Foreshadows Storms Peterson K |
1231 - 1231 |
Heavy-Ion Physics - GSI Bags Another New Element Koenig R |
1232 - 1232 |
Materials Science - Mixing Nanotube Structures to Make a Tiny Switch Service RF |
1233 - 1234 |
Neurobiology - An Intriguing New Lead on Huntingtons-Disease Barinaga M |
1234 - 1234 |
Immunology - T-Cell Inactivation Linked to Ras Block Williams N |
1240 - 1241 |
Transfer-RNA - Structure, Biosynthesis, and Function, by D. Soll, U.L. Rajbhandary Zimmermann RA |
1241 - 1241 |
Cephalopod Neurobiology - Neuroscience Studies in Squid, Octopus, and Cuttlefish, by N.J. Abbot, R. Williamson, L. Maddock Livingston K |
1241 - 1241 |
The Cortical Neuron, by M.J. Gutnick, I. Mody Johnston D |
1244 - 1245 |
Cool Gas in the Virgo Cluster Fabian AC |
1245 - 1246 |
The Whole Lactose Repressor Matthews KS |
1247 - 1254 |
Crystal-Structure of the Lactose Operon Repressor and Its Complexes with DNA and Inducer Lewis M, Chang G, Horton NC, Kercher MA, Pace HC, Schumacher MA, Brennan RG, Lu PZ |
1255 - 1257 |
Doping-Induced Change of Superconducting Gap Anisotropy in Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+delta Kelley RJ, Quitmann C, Onellion M, Berger H, Almeras P, Margaritondo G |
1257 - 1260 |
Model Estimations Biased by Truncated Expansions - Possible Artifacts in Seismic Tomography Trampert J, Snieder R |
1260 - 1263 |
Radiation-Induced Diamond Formation in Uranium-Rich Carbonaceous Materials Daulton TL, Ozima M |
1263 - 1266 |
Impact Origin of the Chesapeake Bay Structure and the Source of the North-American Tektites Koeberl C, Poag CW, Reimold WU, Brandt D |
1267 - 1269 |
Biomimetic Templating of Porous Lamellar Silicas by Vesicular Surfactant Assemblies Tanev PT, Pinnavaia TJ |
1270 - 1272 |
A Distinct G(1) Step Required to Specify the Chinese-Hamster DHFR Replication Origin Wu JR, Gilbert DM |
1272 - 1276 |
Blocked Signal-Transduction to the Erk and Jnk Protein-Kinases in Anergic CD4(+) T-Cells Li W, Whaley CD, Mondino A, Mueller DL |
1276 - 1278 |
Blocked Ras Activation in Anergic CD4(+) T-Cells Fields PE, Gajewski TF, Fitch FW |
1278 - 1281 |
Antigen Presentation and T-Cell Development in H2-M-Deficient Mice Fungleung WP, Surh CD, Liljedahl M, Pang J, Leturcq D, Peterson PA, Webb SR, Karlsson L |
1282 - 1285 |
Enhanced Fidelity of 3Tc-Selected Mutant HIV-1 Reverse-Transcriptase Wainberg MA, Drosopoulos WC, Salomon H, Hsu M, Borkow G, Parniak MA, Gu ZX, Song QB, Manne J, Islam S, Castriota G, Prasad VR |
1285 - 1289 |
Somatic Mutation of Immunoglobulin-V Genes in-Vitro Kallberg E, Jainandunsing S, Gray D, Leanderson T |
1289 - 1291 |
Role of Lymphotoxin and the Type-I TNF Receptor in the Formation of Germinal Centers Matsumoto M, Mariathasan S, Nahm MH, Baranyay F, Peschon JJ, Chaplin DD |
1291 - 1293 |
HIV-1 Langerhans Cell Tropism Associated with Heterosexual Transmission of HIV Sotoramirez LE, Renjifo B, Mclane MF, Marlink R, Ohara C, Sutthent R, Wasi C, Vithayasai P, Vithayasai V, Apichartpiyakul C, Auewarakul P, Cruz VP, Chui DS, Osathanondh R, Mayer K, Lee TH, Essex M |
1294 - 1297 |
Bidirectional Control of Quantal Size by Synaptic Activity in the Hippocampus Oliet SH, Malenka RC, Nicoll RA |
1298 - 1298 |
Coral-Reefs and Carbon-Dioxide Gattuso JP, Frankignoulle M, Smith SV, Ware JR, Wollast R |
1298 - 1299 |
Coral-Reefs and Carbon-Dioxide Buddemeier RW |
1299 - 1300 |
Coral-Reefs and Carbon-Dioxide - Reply Kayanne H |
1300 - 1300 |
Self-Fertilization, Linkage Disequilibrium, and Strain in Plasmodium-Falciparum Tibayrenc M, Lal A |
1300 - 1301 |
Self-Fertilization, Linkage Disequilibrium, and Strain in Plasmodium-Falciparum - Reply Paul RE, Day KP |
1301 - 1302 |
Faunal Evidence and Sterkfontein-Member-2 Foot Bones of Early Hominid - Reply Tobias PV, Clarke RJ |
1301 - 1301 |
Faunal Evidence and Sterkfontein-Member-2 Foot Bones of Early Hominid Mckee JK |
1302 - 1303 |
More Haemophilus and Mycoplasma Genes Robison K, Gilbert W, Church GM |
1302 - 1302 |
More Haemophilus and Mycoplasma Genes Brosius J |
1303 - 1304 |
More Haemophilus and Mycoplasma Genes - Reply Venter JC |