1507 - 1507 |
Risk Assessments of Low-Level Exposures Abelson PH |
1509 - 1510 |
Genetic Testing Lowden JA |
1510 - 1510 |
Mechanism of Scrapie Replication Lansbury PT |
1510 - 1510 |
Genetic Testing Cleaver JE |
1510 - 1511 |
Biodiversity Questions Epstein PR, Chikwenhere GP |
1511 - 1511 |
Biodiversity Questions Young TP |
1511 - 1511 |
Ecologists Gather for Mix of Policy, Science in Nashville (Vol 265, Pg 1178, 1994) Culotta A |
1511 - 1511 |
Protein Configurations Blalock JE |
1516 - 1518 |
NSF Gears Up for a Building Boom Mervis J |
1517 - 1517 |
NIH Adds to the Facilities Boom Mervis J |
1518 - 1519 |
Agricultural-Research - USDA Holds Up Grants to Make a Political Point Marshall E |
1519 - 1519 |
Chemistry - EPA Campaigns for Safer Chemicals Flam F |
1520 - 1521 |
Industrial R-and-D - Agreements Set Rules of the Road for Global Collaboration Service RF |
1521 - 1521 |
Biodiversity - Ecologists Draft Plan to Dig in the Dirt Aldhous P |
1522 - 1524 |
Triggering the First Line of Defense Service RF |
1525 - 1525 |
Microscopy - A New Way of Seeing Proteins in Motion Kaiser J |
1525 - 1526 |
Fisheries Management - Tuna Stocks - East Meets West Holden C |
1526 - 1527 |
Meeting Briefs - Astronomers Gossip About the (Cosmic) Neighborhood Jayawardhana R |
1528 - 1528 |
Climate-Change - Climate Modelings Fudge Factor Comes Under Fire Kerr RA |
1538 - 1539 |
Which Whales Are Hunted - A Molecular-Genetic Approach to Monitoring Whaling Baker CS, Palumbi SR |
1540 - 1541 |
Thumbs Up for Our Early Ancestors Aiello LC |
1541 - 1542 |
Attractive Axon Guidance Molecules Baier H, Bonhoeffer F |
1543 - 1547 |
First Images of Asteroid-243-IDA Belton MJ, Chapman CR, Veverka J, Klaasen KP, Harch A, Greeley R, Greenberg R, Head JW, Mcewen A, Morrison D, Thomas PC, Davies ME, Carr MH, Neukum G, Fanale FP, Davis DR, Anger C, Gierasch PJ, Ingersoll AP, Pilcher CB |
1547 - 1551 |
Catastrophes, Phase-Shifts, and Large-Scale Degradation of a Caribbean Coral-Reef Hughes TP |
1552 - 1555 |
Simultaneous Observation of Columnar Defects and Magnetic-Flux Lines in High-Temperature Bi2Sr2Cacu2O8 Superconductors Dai HJ, Yoon SW, Liu J, Budhani RC, Lieber CM |
1555 - 1557 |
Lattice Location of Trace-Elements Within Minerals and at Their Surfaces with X-Ray Standing Waves Qian YL, Sturchio NC, Chiarello RP, Lyman PF, Lee TL, Bedzyk MJ |
1558 - 1561 |
Reduction of Permeability in Granite at Elevated-Temperatures Moore DE, Lockner DA, Byerlee JD |
1561 - 1563 |
Grain Size-Dependent Alteration and the Magnetization of Oceanic Basalts Kent DV, Gee J |
1563 - 1565 |
Rapid Emplacement of Young Oceanic Lithosphere - Argon Geochronology of the Oman Ophiolite Hacker BR |
1566 - 1568 |
Milankovitch Forcing of the Last Interglacial Sea-Level Crowley TJ, Kim KY |
1568 - 1570 |
Carbon-Dioxide Supersaturation in the Surface Waters of Lakes Cole JJ, Caraco NF, Kling GW, Kratz TK |
1570 - 1573 |
Fossil Evidence for Early Hominid Tool Use Susman RL |
1573 - 1577 |
Requirement of Transcription Factor Pu.1 in the Development of Multiple Hematopoietic Lineages Scott EW, Simon MC, Anastasi J, Singh H |
1577 - 1579 |
Direct Observation of Enzyme-Activity with the Atomic-Force Microscope Radmacher M, Fritz M, Hansma HG, Hansma PK |
1580 - 1582 |
Detection of Endogenous Malondialdehyde-Deoxyguanosine Adducts in Human Liver Chaudhary AK, Nokubo M, Reddy GR, Yeola SN, Morrow JD, Blair IA, Marnett LJ |
1582 - 1584 |
Control of Angiogenesis in Fibroblasts by p53 Regulation of Thrombospondin-1 Dameron KM, Volpert OV, Tainsky MA, Bouck N |
1585 - 1587 |
Mutations in Aquaporin-1 in Phenotypically Normal Humans Without Functional Chip Water Channels Preston GM, Smith BL, Zeidel ML, Moulds JJ, Agre P |
1587 - 1590 |
Reduced Rate of Disease Development After HIV-2 Infection as Compared to HIV-1 Marlink R, Kanki P, Thior I, Travers K, Eisen G, Siby T, Traore I, Hsieh CC, Dia MC, Gueye E, Hellinger J, Gueyendiaye A, Sankale JL, Ndoye I, Mboup S, Essex M |
1590 - 1593 |
Analysis of Sequence Transfers Resembling Gene Conversion in a Mouse Antibody Transgene Xu B, Selsing E |
1593 - 1596 |
Involvement of Nitric-Oxide in the Elimination of a Transient Retinotectal Projection in Development Wu HH, Williams CV, Mcloon SC |
1596 - 1599 |
Activation of the Sphingomyelin Cycle Through the Low-Affinity Neurotrophin Receptor Dobrowsky RT, Werner MH, Castellino AM, Chao MV, Hannun YA |
1599 - 1600 |
Entropic Elasticity of Lambda-Phage DNA Bustamante C, Marko JF, Siggia ED, Smith S |
1600 - 1600 |
Explicit and Implicit Learning and Maps of Cortical Motor Output Stadler MA |
1601 - 1601 |
Explicit and Implicit Learning and Maps of Cortical Motor Output Pascualleone A, Grafman J, Hallett M |
1602 - 1603 |
AIDS Epidemiology - A Quantitative Approach, by R. Brookmeyer, M.H. Gail Longini IM |
1604 - 1605 |
The History of Modern Mathematics, Vol 3, Images, Ideas, and Communities, by E. Knobloch, D.E. Rowe Livingston K |
1604 - 1604 |
Explorers of Mars Hill - A Centennial History or Lowell-Observatory, 1894-1994, by W.L.L. Putnam Lankford J |
1605 - 1605 |
Black-Holes and Time Warps (Vol 264, Pg 999, 1994) Silk J |
1605 - 1605 |
Early Quantum Electrodynamics - A Source-Book, by A.I. Miller Livingston K |