
Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics

Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, Vol.31, No.2 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0721-3115 (Print) 

In this Issue (10 articles)

83 - 88 Projectile attack of surface scattered munitions: Prompt shock finite element models and live trials
Almond RJ, Murray SG
89 - 97 Dead zones in LX-17 and PBX 9502
Souers PC, Andreski HG, Batteux J, Bratton B, Cabacungan C, Cook CF, Fletcher S, Garza R, Grimsley D, Handly J, Hernandez A, McMaster P, Molitoris JD, Palmer R, Prindiville J, Rodriguez J, Schneberk D, Wong B, Vitello P
98 - 101 Edge effects on ERA - Sandwiches
Held M
102 - 109 Detonation velocities and pressures, and their relationships with electric spark sensitivities for nitramines
Wang GX, Xiao HM, Xu XJ, Ju XH
110 - 115 Pyrotechnic and thermal studies on the magnesium-strontium nitrate pyrotechnic system
Tuukkanen IM, Charsley EL, Laye PG, Rooney JJ, Griffiths TT, Lemmetyinen H
116 - 123 Surface and interface spectroscopy of high explosives and binders: HMX and Estane
Kim H, Lagutchev A, Dlott DD
124 - 130 Investigation of an N-butyl-N-(2-nitroxyethyl)nitramine (BuNENA) process: Identification of process intermediates, by-products and reaction pathways
Sitzmann ME, Trivedi NJ, Skahan PB, Kenar JA, Nock LA, Stern AG
131 - 138 Synthesis and characterization of deuterated glycidyl azide polymer (GAP)
Ringuette S, Dubois C, Stowe RA, Charlet G
139 - 147 Research on the combustion properties of propellants with low content of nano metal powders
Jiang Z, Li SF, Zhao FQ, Liu ZR, Yin CM, Luo Y, Li SW
148 - 154 Dissociation mechanism of HNIW ions investigated by chemical ionization and electron impact mass spectroscopy
Yang RJ, Xiao HM