221 - 236 |
Three tools to visualize and prevent boilers and furnaces firebox explosions Blanco RF |
237 - 251 |
New model for predicting thermal radiation from flares and high pressure jet fires for hydrogen and syngas Miller D |
252 - 256 |
Transportation risk management: One company's approach Lutostansky E, Miller G, Dennehy M |
257 - 263 |
Layer of protection analysis as a multifunctional team problem solving tool Cialkowski E |
264 - 272 |
Think facility, act on integrity Wasileski RF |
273 - 279 |
Hazards inherent to control systems: Case studies and lessons learned Cox BL, Garner SW, Carpenter AR, Fecke MT |
280 - 283 |
The physics and Metaphysics of the sensitivity of calorimetric instruments and human senses Das DK |
284 - 291 |
One company's observations on the implementation of LOPA Bertelsmann A |
292 - 300 |
Why DDT is the only way to explain some vapor cloud explosions Johnson DM, Tam VHY |
301 - 306 |
Auditing management systems for safety controls, alarms, and interlocks: How effective are your instrumented protective systems? Hochleitner M, Roche E |
307 - 313 |
Modeling and validation of dispersion following an instantaneous vapor or two-phase release from a pressurized vessel Witlox HWM, Harper M, Webber D |
317 - 317 |
Letter to the editor Murphy JF |
318 - 318 |
Bayesian Network and Bow Tie to Analyze the Risk of Fire and Explosion of Pipelines (vol 36, pg 202, 2017) Bilal |
319 - 321 |
Fall 2017 Safety & Health News Murphy JF |