105 - 105 |
The Center for Chemical Process Safety, 30 years of process safety leadership, a personal perspective Murphy JF |
106 - 106 |
Managing process risks Baybutt P |
107 - 110 |
Thirty years of leadership: The Center for Chemical Process Safety Murphy JF |
111 - 118 |
A call to actionnext steps for vision 20/20 McCavit J, Berger S, Grounds C, Nara L |
119 - 125 |
Risk assessment challenges to 20:20 vision Summers A |
126 - 129 |
Walk the Line Forest JJ |
130 - 136 |
Beyond the Phi factor: Correction of experimental data for vaporization in tempered reactions for pressure-relief system design Zhao GB |
137 - 140 |
Examining the use of blast resistant modules within API 753 zones 1 and 2 Skelton DB |
141 - 146 |
Applicability of currently available flare radiation models for hydrogen and syngas Miller D, Jung S, Lutostansky E |
147 - 153 |
Effects of the primary explosion site and bulk cloud in VCE prediction: A comparison with historical accidents Bauwens CR, Dorofeev SB |
154 - 156 |
Effectiveness of improvised gas absorption techniques for emergency responders at releases of toxic gases Kern H, Taferner M, Raupenstrauch H |
157 - 166 |
Chemical explosion isolation applied to small mills Taveau JR, Farrell TM |
167 - 171 |
Domino effect in a catastrophic solid oxidizer fire Ogle RA, Ramirez JC, Hetrick TM |
172 - 178 |
Risks associated with the production of biogas in Europe Travnicek P, Kotek L |
179 - 182 |
Competency requirements for process safety auditors Baybutt P |
183 - 190 |
Real-time risk assessment and decision support Bolsover A |
191 - 195 |
Safety challenges in harsh environments: Lessons learned Khan F, Ahmed S, Yang M, Hashemi SJ, Caines S, Rathnayaka S, Oldford D |
196 - 198 |
Update: EPA actionschemical safety and security Executive Order Jennings K, Matthiessen C |
199 - 201 |
The role of sequential automation in improving process safety Huffman DA |
202 - 206 |
Lessons for effective integrity management from the San Bruno pipeline rupture Hayes J |
208 - 210 |
Safety and health news Murphy JF |