313 - 318 |
Synthesis of Nanograined Ti-Al-Cr-Nb-X [X=Ni-P-Coated Graphite and Carbon] Intermetallic Matrix Composites by Mechanical Alloying Mishra DD, Agarwala V, Agarwala RC |
319 - 325 |
Parametric Effects on Leaching Behavior of Nickel-Copper Matte in Ammonia Muzenda E, Ramatsa IM, Ntuli F, Abdulkareem AS, Afolabi AS |
326 - 331 |
Comparison of Subsieving Techniques Based on the Relation of Particle Size and Specific Surface Area in Mineral Processing Kademli M |
332 - 339 |
Resin Composites Reinforced by Glass Fibers with Potential Biomedical Applications. Structure and Mechanical Properties Furtos G, Tomoaia-Cotisel M, Prejmerean C |
340 - 347 |
Modeling Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying of Powders Using Suspension Density Mallick SS, Wypych PW, Pan R |
348 - 356 |
Investigating Straight-Pipe Pneumatic Conveying Characteristics for Fluidized Dense-Phase Pneumatic Conveying Bansal A, Mallick SS, Wypych PW |
357 - 365 |
Porous c.p. Titanium Using Dextrin as Space Holder for Endosseous Implants Gligor I, Soritau O, Todea M, Berce C, Vulpoi A, Marcu T, Cernea V, Simon S, Popa C |
366 - 371 |
Optimization of Amorphous Silica Nanoparticles Synthesis from Rice Straw Ash Using Design of Experiments Technique Khorsand H, Kiayee N, Masoomparast AH |
372 - 378 |
Adsorption of Thorium from Aqueous Solution using Nanoporous Adsorbents: Effect of Contact Time, pH, Initial Concentration, and Temperature Malekynejad A, Sepehrian H, Manoochehri M |
379 - 384 |
Controlling Conformational Transition of Silk Fibroin Microspheres by Water Vapor for Controlled Release Drug Delivery Srisa-Ard M, Baimark Y |
385 - 391 |
Coagulation and Collection of PM2.5 Based on a Stack Coagulator Wang Y, Wu JZ, Wang W, Zheng BW |
392 - 398 |
New Composite Bone Cement Based on Hydroxyapatite and Nanosilver Furtos G, Tomoaia-Cotisel M, Garbo C, Senila M, Jumate N, Vida-Simiti I, Prejmerean C |
399 - 406 |
Grindability of Quartz in Stirred Media Mill Mucsi G |
407 - 418 |
Integrated Population Balance Model Development and Validation of a Granulation Process Chaudhury A, Ramachandran R |
419 - 425 |
Characterization and Surface Properties of Bentonites in the Separation Process of Iron(III) Hayati-Ashtiani M |