3 - 31 |
Phenomenology and definitions Fantozzi G |
32 - 73 |
Mechanical spectroscopy San Juan J |
74 - 92 |
Non-linear dissipative mechanisms De Batist R |
95 - 137 |
Point defect relaxations Weller M |
141 - 157 |
Dislocation: description and dynamics Benoit W |
158 - 177 |
Dislocation - lattice interactions Benoit W |
178 - 246 |
Dislocation - point defect interactions Gremaud G |
247 - 267 |
Dislocation damping at medium temperature No ML |
268 - 275 |
High temperature damping Riviere A |
276 - 287 |
Recrystallization Schaller R, Riviere A |
291 - 305 |
Grain boundary: description and dynamics Benoit W |
306 - 314 |
Grain boundary relaxation in metals Benoit W |
315 - 337 |
Grain boundary relaxations in ceramics Schaller R, Lakki A |
341 - 360 |
Thermodynamics of phase transformations Benoit W |
361 - 381 |
Ferroelectricity Fantozzi G |
382 - 415 |
The martensitic transformation Van Humbeeck J |
416 - 436 |
Transitory effects San Juan J, Perez-Saez RB |
437 - 450 |
Precipitation Schaller R |
453 - 482 |
Magnetic domains Degauque J |
483 - 495 |
Ferroelectric domains Fantozzi G |
499 - 545 |
Relaxation phenomena in non crystalline solids: Case of polymeric materials Cavaille JY, David L, Perez J |
549 - 559 |
Thin-layer materials Weller M |
560 - 569 |
Surface and local spectroscopy Gremaud G, Dupas E, Kulik A |
570 - 580 |
Interface stress relaxation in metal matrix composites Carreno-Morelli E |
581 - 594 |
Internal friction in fibre reinforced composites Rouby D |
595 - 614 |
Fatigue and internal damping Vincent A, Fougeres R |
615 - 620 |
Damping and toughness Schaller R, Fantozzi G |
621 - 631 |
High damping materials Schaller R |
635 - 651 |
Low frequency techniques Riviere A |
652 - 666 |
Ultrasonic techniques: PUCOT and ACT Gremaud G, Kustov S, Bremnes O |
667 - 675 |
Scanning Local Acceleration Microscopy: SLAM Gremaud G, Dupas E, Kulik A |
676 - 683 |
Scanning acoustic microscopy: SAM Gremaud G |