4389 - 4399 |
Molecular Mechanism of Acid-Catalyzed Hydrolysis of Peptide Bonds Using a Model Compound Pan B, Ricci MS, Trout BL |
4400 - 4406 |
Distinguishing Polymorphs of the Semiconducting Pigment Copper Phthalocyanine by Solid-State NMR and Raman Spectroscopy Shaibat MA, Casabianca LB, Siberio-Perez DY, Matzger AJ, Ishii Y |
4407 - 4415 |
Hydrogelation Through Self-Assembly of Fmoc-Peptide Functionalized Cationic Amphiphiles: Potent Antibacterial Agent Debnath S, Shome A, Das D, Das PK |
4416 - 4423 |
Modeling Hole Transport in Wet and Dry DNA Pavanello M, Adamowicz L, Volobuyev M, Mennucci B |
4424 - 4431 |
Multi-approach Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Investigations of UV-Photoinduced Ti3+ in Titanium Oxide-Based Gels Pattier B, Henderson M, Poppl A, Kassiba A, Gibaud A |
4432 - 4441 |
Determination of the Phase Diagram for Soluble and Membrane Proteins Talreja S, Perry SL, Guha S, Bhamidi V, Zukoski CF, Kenis PJA |
4442 - 4450 |
Effect of Viscosity on Steady-State Voltammetry and Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy in Room Temperature Ionic Liquids Lovelock KRJ, Cowling FN, Taylor AW, Licence P, Walsh DA |
4451 - 4460 |
Highly Charged Cations from N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(4-aminophenyl)benzidine and Its N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)-Substituted Homologue Studied by Thin-Layer in Situ Electron Spin Resonance/UV-Vis-NIR Spectroelectrochemistry Matis M, Rapta P, Lukes V, Hartmann H, Dunsch L |
4461 - 4464 |
Synchronously Reduced Surface States, Charge Recombination, and Light Absorption Length for High-Performance Organic Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Li RZ, Liu JY, Cai N, Zhang M, Wang P |
4465 - 4470 |
Separation of Monobranched and Dibranched Isomers of n-Hexane on Zeolitic Molecular Sieves: A Thermodynamic Study Yonli AH, Bouillault N, Gener-Batonneau I, Mignard S |
4471 - 4476 |
Anion Dependence of Transport of Mercury Ion through Nafion-117 Membrane Agarwal C, Chaudhury S, Mhatre A, Goswami A |
4477 - 4484 |
Influence of Cholic Acid on Phase Transition, Rheological Behavior, and Microstructures of Salt-Free Catanionic Surfactant Mixtures Liu CC, Hao JC |
4485 - 4494 |
Alkyl Propoxy Ethoxylate "Graded" Surfactants: Micelle Formation and Structure in Aqueous Solutions Sarkar B, Alexandridis P |
4495 - 4502 |
Structure of the Cetyltrimethylammonium Surfactant at Fused Silica/Aqueous Interfaces Studied by Vibrational Sum Frequency Generation Hayes PL, Keeley AR, Geiger FM |
4503 - 4508 |
Adsorption Layer Characteristics of Mixed Oxyethylated Surfactant Solutions Fainerman VB, Aksenenko EV, Petkov JT, Miller R |
4509 - 4520 |
Domain-Growth Kinetic Origin of Nonhorizontal Phase Coexistence Plateaux in Langmuir Monolayers: Compression Rigidity of a Raft-Like Lipid Distribution Arriaga LR, Lopez-Montero I, Ignes-Mullol J, Monroy F |
4521 - 4528 |
Dynamic Theory of Type 3 Liquid Junction Potentials: Formation of Multilayer Liquid Junctions Ward KR, Dickinson EJF, Compton RG |
4529 - 4535 |
Interactions of Hemin with Model Erythrocyte Membranes Qutub Y, Uzunova V, Galkin O, Vekilov PG |
4536 - 4550 |
Structural Properties of Hydration Shell Around Various Conformations of Simple Polypeptides Czapiewski D, Zielkiewicz J |
4551 - 4564 |
Medium Effects on the Prototropic Equilibria of Fluorescein Fluoro Derivatives in True and Organized Solution Mchedlov-Petrossyan NO, Vodolazkaya NA, Gurina YA, Sun WC, Gee KR |
4565 - 4571 |
Deuterium Isotope Effect on Femtosecond Solvation Dynamics in an Ionic Liquid Microemulsion: An Excitation Wavelength Dependence Study Sasmal DK, Sen Mojumdar S, Adhikari A, Bhattacharyya K |
4572 - 4582 |
Improved United-Atom Force Field for 1-Alkyl-3-methylimidazolium Chloride Liu ZP, Chen T, Bell A, Smit B |
4583 - 4589 |
Effect of Surface Roughness on the Static and Dynamic Properties of Water Adsorbed on Graphene Gordillo MC, Marti J |
4590 - 4599 |
On the Investigation of Coarse-Grained Models for Water: Balancing Computational Efficiency and the Retention of Structural Properties Hadley KR, McCabe C |
4600 - 4608 |
Extraction of Benzene or Thiophene from n-Heptane Using Ionic Liquids. NMR and Thermodynamic Study Revelli AL, Mutelet F, Jaubert JN |
4609 - 4614 |
Vibrational Energy Transfer between Carbon Nanotubes and Liquid Water: A Molecular Dynamics Study Nelson TR, Chaban VV, Kalugin ON, Prezhdo OV |
4615 - 4622 |
Tryptophan Probes at the a-Synuclein and Membrane Interface Pfefferkorn CM, Lee JC |
4623 - 4631 |
Vesicle Adsorption and Phospholipid Bilayer Formation on Topographically and Chemically Nanostructured Surfaces Pfeiffer I, Petronis S, Koper I, Kasemo B, Zach M |
4632 - 4636 |
Vibrational Fine Structures Revealed by the Frequency-to-Time Fourier Transform of the Transient Spectrum in Bacteriorhodopsin Yabushita A, Kobayashi T |
4637 - 4645 |
Computational Evidence for the Catalytic Mechanism of Caspase-7. A DFT Investigation Miscione GP, Calvaresi M, Bottoni A |
4646 - 4651 |
CIDNP and EPR Study of Phototransformation of Lappaconitine Derivatives in Solution Polyakov NE, Simaeva OA, Taraban MB, Leshina TV, Konovalova TA, Kispert LD, Nikitina IA, Pankrushina NA, Tkachev AV |
4652 - 4663 |
Prediction of Hydration Structures around Hydrophilic Surfaces of Proteins by Using the Empirical Hydration Distribution Functions from a Database Analysis Matsuoka D, Nakasako M |
4664 - 4677 |
Photoinduced Millisecond Switching Kinetics in the GFPMut2 E222Q Mutant Quercioli V, Bosisio C, Daglio SC, Rocca F, D'Alfonso L, Collini M, Baldini G, Chirico G, Bettati S, Raboni S, Campanini B |
4678 - 4685 |
Photophysics of the Red Chromophore of HcRed: Evidence for Cis-Trans Isomerization and Protonation-State Changes Mudalige K, Habuchi S, Goodwin PM, Pai RK, De Schryver F, Cotlet M |
4686 - 4691 |
Solvent Effects on the Kinetics of the Interaction of 1-Pyrenecarboxaldehyde with Calf Thymus DNA Secco F, Venturini M, Biver T, Sanchez F, Prado-Gotor R, Grueso E |
4692 - 4701 |
Peptide-TiO2 Interaction in Aqueous Solution: Conformational Dynamics of RGD Using Different Water Models Wu CY, Chen MJ, Guo CQ, Zhao X, Yuan CS |
4702 - 4709 |
Monopeptide versus Monopeptoid: Insights on Structure and Hydration of Aqueous Alanine and Sarcosine via X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Uejio JS, Schwartz CP, Duffin AM, England A, Prendergast D, Saykally RJ |
4710 - 4716 |
Complexes between Fluorescent Cholic Acid Derivatives and Human Serum Albumin. A Photophysical Approach To Investigate the Binding Behavior Rohacova J, Marin ML, Miranda MA |
4717 - 4724 |
Influence of Phosphocholine Alkyl Chain Length on Peptide Micelle Interactions and Micellar Size and Shape Gobl C, Dulle M, Hohlweg W, Grossauer J, Falsone SF, Glatter O, Zangger K |
4725 - 4730 |
Conjugated Polymer-Titania Nanoparticle Hybrid Films: Random Lasing Action and Ultrasensitive Detection of Explosive Vapors Deng CM, He QG, He C, Shi LQ, Cheng JG, Lin T |
4731 - 4738 |
The Effect of Urea on the Structure of Water: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Idrissi A, Gerard M, Damay P, Kiselev M, Puhovsky Y, Cinar E, Lagant P, Vergoten G |
4739 - 4745 |
Enzymatic Degradation of Supramolecular Materials Based on Partial Inclusion Complex Formation between alpha-Cyclodextrin and Poly(epsilon-caprolactone) Luo HY, Meng XW, Cheng C, Dong ZQ, Zhang S, Li BJ |
4746 - 4746 |
Structure, Dynamics, and Power Conversion Efficiency Correlations in a New Low Bandgap Polymer: PCBM Solar Cell (vol 114B, pg 742, 2010) Guo JC, Liang YY, Szarko J, Lee B, Son HJ, Rolczynski BS, Yu LP, Chen LX |