1403 - 1405 |
Synthesis, Crystallization and Properties of Novel Al-Fe-V-Si-mm Metallic-Glass Wang JQ, Zhang BJ, Teng MK, Li SC |
1406 - 1409 |
Indentation Fracture of Y2O3-Partially Stabilized ZrO2 Crystals Gogotsi G, Ostrovoy D |
1410 - 1411 |
A New-Type of Wear-Resistant Austenite-Bainite Steel with Granular Carbides Modified by Boron and Cerium Rare-Earth Xu ZM, Jiang QC, Zhao YG, Li YJ, He ZM |
1412 - 1413 |
Preparation and Characterization of Calcium Stannate Mandal KD, Sastry MS, Parkash O |
1414 - 1416 |
Cerium, Terbium and Lutetium as Sensitizers of Calcium Fluorochlorophosphate Dafinova R, Pelova V |
1417 - 1420 |
Glass-Crystalline Materials of the CaO-P2O5-SiO2 System Obtained by the Sol-Gel Method Laczka M, Cholewa K, Mozgawa W |
1421 - 1424 |
Mechanisms of Dislocation-Particle Interaction During Creep Deformation of Selected Nickel-Base Alloys Tawancy HM |
1425 - 1429 |
Microwave Propagation Through Carbon Black-Epoxy Resin Composites Achour ME, Miane JL, Lahjomri F, Elmalhi M, Carmona F |
1430 - 1432 |
Synthesis of Gamma-Iron by a Spark Discharge Method in Liquid-Ammonia Sato T, Yasuda S, Yoshioka T, Okuwaki A |
1433 - 1435 |
Dielectric Cap Disordering of GaAs/AlGaAs Multiple-Quantum-Well by Using Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Sin Capping Layer Choi WJ, Lee S, Kim Y, Kim SK, Lee JI, Kang KN, Park N, Park HL, Cho K |
1436 - 1439 |
Fractal Analyses of Microstructure and Properties of Hsla Steels Su H, Yan ZQ, Stanley JT |
1440 - 1443 |
The Effect of Local Distortions in the Intermolecular Hydrogen-Bond Network on the Lifetime of Aramid Yarns Bosman M, Vanderzwaag S, Schenkels FA |
1444 - 1447 |
A Controllable Temperature-Gradient Furnace for the Fabrication of Large Grain YBCO Ceramics Cardwell DA, Lo W, Thorpe HD, Roberts A |
1448 - 1450 |
A Technique for the Manufacture of Long Hollow Diamond Fibers by Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Lu GH, Partridge PG, May PW |
1451 - 1454 |
Fractographic Analysis of Fatigue-Crack Propagation in an Amorphous Copolyester Moskala EJ, Pecorini TJ, Germinario LT |
1455 - 1457 |
Mechanically Alloyed NiAl Strengthened by TiB2 and Y2O3 Cheng TY |
1458 - 1460 |
The Role of Creep Damage in Glass Bead Filled High-Density Polyethylene Lu S, Zhu XG, Qi ZN, Xu H |
1461 - 1463 |
Studies of Zinc Phosphate Coatings on 7075-T6 Aluminum-Alloy Heung WF, Wong PC, Mitchell KA, Foster T |
1464 - 1467 |
Detecting Microcracks in Aramid Fiber Composites Chadwick MM |
1468 - 1470 |
Chemical Constitution and Abrasive Wear Behavior of Pangolin Scales Tong J, Ren LQ, Chen BC |
1471 - 1475 |
Effect of Substrate Pretreatment on the Electrochemical Properties of Armco Iron-Coated PVD Tin Lunarska E, Betiuk M, Michalski J |
1476 - 1478 |
The Selective Corrosion of Type-316-Stainless-Steel in Molten Lead Tsirlin M, Lesin S, Branover H |