
Nature Nanotechnology

Nature Nanotechnology, Vol.13, No.5 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 1748-3387 (Print) 

In this Issue (25 articles)

353 - 353 Genius in science, genius in teaching
353 - 353 Things molecules can do
354 - 355 Reply to 'Is Cherenkov luminescence bright enough for photodynamic therapy?'
Kotagiri N, Laforest R, Achilefu S
354 - 354 Is Cherenkov luminescence bright enough for photodynamic therapy?
Pratx G, Kapp DS
356 - 356 Stand up to stand out
Bubnova O
356 - 356 Telecom single photons thaw
Heinrich B
356 - 356 Sensing cellular cues
Pastore C
356 - 356 Energy from quiescent water
Sun WJ
357 - 357 A longer-lasting memory in layered semiconductors
Szkopek T
358 - 359 Believe in the force
Swart I
359 - 360 When radionuclides meet nanoparticles
Niu G, Chen XY
360 - 361 Reorganization takes energy
Shluger AL, Grutter P
362 - + Current polarity-dependent manipulation of antiferromagnetic domains
Wadley P, Reimers S, Grzybowski MJ, Andrews C, Wang M, Chauhan JS, Gallagher BL, Campion RP, Edmonds KW, Dhesi SS, Maccherozzi F, Novak V, Wunderlich J, Jungwirth T
366 - + Selective control of multiple ferroelectric switching pathways using a trailing flexoelectric field
Park SM, Wang B, Das S, Chae SC, Chung JS, Yoon JG, Chen LQ, Yang SM, Noh TW
371 - + Quantitative assessment of intermolecular interactions by atomic force microscopy imaging using copper oxide tips
Monig H, Amirjalayer S, Timmer A, Hu ZX, Liu LC, Arado OD, Cnudde M, Strassert CA, Ji W, Rohlfing M, Fuchs H
376 - + Reorganization energy upon charging a single molecule on an insulator measured by atomic force microscopy
Fatayer S, Schuler B, Steurer W, Scivetti I, Repp J, Gross L, Persson M, Meyer G
381 - + An artificial molecular machine that builds an asymmetric catalyst
De Bo G, Gall MAY, Kuschel S, De Winter J, Gerbaux P, Leigh DA
386 - + Kinesin expands and stabilizes the GDP-microtubule lattice
Peet DR, Burroughs NJ, Cross RA
392 - + Large tunable valley splitting in edge-free graphene quantum dots on boron nitride
Freitag NM, Reisch T, Chizhova LA, Nemes-Incze P, Holl C, Woods CR, Gorbachev RV, Cao Y, Geim AK, Novoselov KS, Burgdorfer J, Libisch F, Morgenstern M
398 - 403 Spin-photon interface and spin-controlled photon switching in a nanobeam waveguide
Javadi A, Ding DP, Appel MH, Mahmoodian S, Lobl MC, Sollner I, Schott R, Papon C, Pregnolato T, Stobbe S, Midolo L, Schroder T, Wieck AD, Ludwig A, Warburton RJ, Lodahl P
404 - + A semi-floating gate memory based on van der Waals heterostructures for quasi-non-volatile applications
Liu CS, Yan X, Song XF, Ding SJ, Zhang DW, Zhou P
411 - + Synergetic interaction between neighbouring platinum monomers in CO2 hydrogenation
Li HL, Wang LB, Dai YZ, Pu ZT, Lao ZH, Chen YW, Wang ML, Zheng XS, Zhu JF, Zhang WH, Si R, Ma C, Zeng J
418 - + Nanoparticles as multimodal photon transducers of ionizing radiation
Pratt EC, Shaffer TM, Zhang QZ, Drain CM, Grimm J
427 - + Nanoparticle-induced neuronal toxicity across placental barriers is mediated by autophagy and dependent on astrocytes
Hawkins SJ, Crompton LA, Sood A, Saunders M, Boyle NT, Buckley A, Minogue AM, McComish SF, Jimenez-Moreno N, Cordero-Llana O, Stathakos P, Gilmore CE, Kelly S, Lane JD, Case CP, Caldwell MA
434 - 434 The social scientist
Dionne JA